College Essay Examples

Kellogg’s Recommendation Strategies

Executive Summary

The paper outlines proposed investment ideas for the Kellogg Company to eradicate hunger in the world, which is in line with the zero hunger objective number two of the UN SDGs. The SUN Company shall be briefly discussed in reference to what it is doing to achieve goal number two of the UN SDGs. The Kellogg Company shall be examined, and recommendations are given to improve on its operations in contribution to the zero hunger goal by 2030. There are three recommendations; however, the option of investment in agriculture to enhance long-lasting husbandry is what wins the preference top-prize. 


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

  1. Introduction 4
  2. UN Goal No. 12 5
  3. The Exemplar 7
  4. The Case Company 8

4.1 The Company 8

4.2 The Current Problems 9

4.3 Recommendations 9

4.3.1 Sourcing responsibly 9

4.3.2 Protecting soil health, water quality, and habitats 10

4.3.3 Enhancing long-lasting husbandry 11

4.4 Recommendation and Implementation 12

  1. Conclusion 12

References 14

Appendix A 15

Appendix B 16

Appendix C 17


  • Introduction

This paper foresees recommendations for further investments to end world hunger that aim to achieve the zero hunger SDG goal in the world by 2030 or to eliminate undernutrition, which means an energy supply from food insufficient in the long term. Everyone in the world has enough food, according to the World Food Program report. However, out of nine people, one continues to fight hunger, and out of three, one suffers from malnutrition. That is the reason Kellogg must work hard and work with others around the world to achieve # 2 – Zero Hunger of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to“end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by the end of 2030.” The report proposes three approaches involving soil health protection, water habitats, and quality, improving agricultural practices, which are climate-smart and sourcing responsibly. These recommendations aim at increasing global food security, which contributes to the #2, Zero Hunger of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). The report compares the case company, Kellogg, to the exemplar company, SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition) movement. SUN is a devoted nutrition and global business platform, intending to decrease all structures of undernourishment.  Addressing sustainability and communal effects is essential to Kellogg’s organization for the development plan.

The structure of the report is as indicated: Section 2 outlines the UN goal no.12. Section 3 outlines the exemplar company to serve as the baseline reference for Kellogg’s investment recommendations. Section 4 presents the case company, in which the company, current issues, recommendations, and implementations shall be explained. Section 5 provides the ending statements. 

Appendix 1 reflects on optional scenarios in which zero hunger or hunger elimination is attained by sourcing responsibly. 

Appendix reflects on optional scenarios in which zero hunger or hunger elimination is attained by protecting soil health, water quality, and habitats.

Appendix 3 reflects on optional scenarios in which zero hunger or hunger elimination is attained by improving climate-smart agriculture.

  • UN Goal No.12

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) was formed in Rio de Janeiro in the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The aim is to develop common goals set to address the pressing economic, political, and environmental challenges our world is facing. The Sustainable Development Goals took the place of MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), which launched an effort globally in 2000 to eradicate poverty (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2020).

 The Millennium Development Goals include measurable and universally accepted goals for fighting extreme hunger and poverty, preventing deadly diseases, and extending primary tuition to all children, and additional development priorities. In the course of the last 15 years, the Millennium Development Goals have made strides on various key issues, including a reduction in income poverty, long-awaited water supply and sanitation, reduction of child deaths, and significant improvement in the health of mothers. 

A campaign was also launched globally due to the MDGs for free primary education, encouraging countries to invest in generations of the future. The Millennium Development Goals have most importantly made great strides in the fight against HIV / AIDS and additional treatable illnesses, including tuberculosis and malaria.

 The legacy and results of the Millennium Development Goals offer valuable experiences and lessons to start working on new aims. However, for millions of individuals globally, this work is not yet finished. We must take the last step to send all children to school after completing primary education, improve medical services, achieve full gender equality, and end hunger. The Sustainable Development Goals serve as an urgent call to turn the universe to a path that is more sustainable.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a big effort to achieve what was began and address a variety of challenges that are most pressing and are a strain to the world currently. The 17 goals are interdependent. In other words, one goal’s success affects the other goal’s success. Addressing the threat of climate change affects the way fragile natural resources are managed, ensures gender equality or better health, eradicates poverty, promotes peaceful and inclusive societies, reduces inequalities, and is economical. 

This contributes to prosperity. In short, this is our greatest opportunity to improve the lives of future generations. What is unique about the Sustainable Development Goals is that they envelop matters that concern us all. They reaffirmed the worldwide dedication to permanently eradicate scarcity in the world. The aim is to ascertain that no person is left backward. Predominantly, they take account of us all and build a more prosperous, safer, and more sustainable world for every human. 

Goal 2 looks for sustainable solutions to eradicate all models of hunger and attain food certainty by 2030. The goal is to ascertain that everybody in the world has sufficient standard food to live a life that is healthy (Clifford & Zaman, 2016). To achieve this objective, food accessibility must be improved, as well as tenable agriculture widely encouraged. This requires increasing the incomes and productivity of smallholders by systems sound farming practices, sustainable food production, and promotion of equal access to markets, technology, and land. There is also a need to increase investment by global cooperations to improve the capacity of the agricultural exhibition in advancing countries. 

Over the past 15 years, progress has been made in the fight against hunger. Universally, the percentage of malnourished persons decreased from 2000 to 2002 from15% to11% in 2014 to 2016. Nonetheless, over 790 million individuals do not have enough food regularly. The zero hunger goal by 2030 shall not be realized if the current trend continues. The hunger tenacity is no longer a problem of food supply. On the contrary, in various countries that have not been able to realize the hunger targets of the Millennium Development Goals, man-made calamities or political instability and natural disasters have led to instability that has affected many individuals. (Wilburn &Wilburn, 2020)

Preliminary estimates from the food anxiety experience scale (accessible for around 150 countries in 2014 and 2015) show that food anxiety is most common in sub-Saharan Africa. Exceeding half of the region’s adult populace is facing modest or acute food insecurity, and a quarter of the population faces severe food insecurity. The prevalence in South Asia is the subsequent highest, with around 25% of adults moderately or severely food insecure and 12% of adults severely food insecure. (Jernigan et al., 2017)

  • The Exemplar

  • Kellogg’s Recommendation Strategies

SUN  supports UN goal 2 by participating in businesses, acting, investing, innovating, and helping to improve nutrition through responsible and sustainable behavior and management. To this end, SUN provides a neutral platform to promote partnerships and cooperation among businesses and all nutrition participants at national, regional, and global levels to support SUN countries. The SUN Business Network is co-organized by the Global Alliance for Better Nutrition (GAIN) and the World Food Program (WFP) (Ellis, 2010).

As a global movement supporting multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral action at the country level, the SUN Movement embraces the interconnected approach that characterizes the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This complex and ambitious approach comes with its challenges. Findings show that the SUN Movement has many strengths. SUN movement uses energy and creative thinking to achieve goal 2 (Fracassi et al., 2020). However, more needs to be to improve nutrition.

SUN’s focus on undernutrition and the ‘first 1,000 Days’ window helps its members address the increasing ‘multiple burdens’ of malnutrition: this is important for its relevance to many of its members. SUN also strongly focuses on concrete impact at the country level and the sustainability of SUN interventions. This involves paying greater attention to mutual accountability, improving learning and knowledge sharing, and reinforcing impact-driven governance that engages countries and SUN stakeholders, so they can buy into a renewed vision with a real commitment to change.

  • The Case Company

  • The Company

Founded in 1906, Kellogg owns many well-known cereal brands such as Kellogg’s Cornflakes, Frostflakes, Froot Loop, Special K, and Rice Krispies. The company is committed to mass-producing the bowls around the world, but today they are snack and convenience branding (Kashi, Pringles and Cheez-It, Eggo Waffles, Nutrigrain, and Bear Naked Cereal bar) that makes more money. The product is sold all over the world, but 60% of the company’s revenue is accounted for by its domestic revenue. Kellogg operates in four market segments: AMEA, which includes Africa, Middle East, Australia, and other Asia-Pacific markets; North America (the US and Canada operations); and Europe, which includes Latin America, including the South and the North America and Mexico (Reiman, 2012). 

The goal of the Kellogg Company is to support the families so that they can prosper. Eliminating the food possibility and hunger while addressing certain sustainable development goals is at the heart of this work. Realizing SDG2 (zero hunger), SDG5 (gender equality), SDG 12.3 (food loss and waste), SDG 13 (countermeasures against climate change), of SDG 17 (partnership) throughout the farm-to-family value chain that Kellogg focuses on (Ellis, 2010). 

  • Current problem

Kellogg supports the dedication and upholds these ideals due to the founder’s commitment to the populace and their welfare. They create a condition where they can manufacture brands and food across borders and beyond boundaries, providing the best for everyone, everywhere. Kellogg is using its iconic global business platform, Breakfast for Better Days, to deliver 3 billion “good days” to people around the world by the end of 2025. To support farmers, their families, and the farming community throughout the value chain, Kellogg needs to adopt a framework that can feed the planet and solve food security problems. That framework needs to be more inclusive for contribution to the zero hunger SDG goal. As a global leader in the food industry, their initiative is expected to focus on the interrelated issues of sustainable food systems, climate, and hunger, through a holistic approach to durability, hunger alleviation, and nutrition.

  • Recommendations

  • Sourcing responsibly

Kellogg uses food to unleash the communities’ potential around the globe. They have promised to reliably find 10 primary raw materials in 2020, an important path that they are taking. The job begins on the farm and must support the communities and people that produce food. For this reason, Kellogg’s ‘Breakfast for a Good Day’ improves the lives of 500,000 farmers through the promotion of weather-friendly farming applications to reduce the use of natural resources while increasing productivity and resilience (Blesh et al., 2019). 

Farmers around the globe are facing the problems of weather changes, but small-scale farmers incur more challenges, including access to markets, finance, and insurance on produce failure and information shortage on weather-friendly farming exercises. Kellogg needs to recognize that smallholders play an important role in the supply of food globally as well as individuals and their households in the first place, but in rural areas and poor communities, they provide food security.

  This plays an important role in expanding opportunities. Therefore, Kellogg needs to invest 2 billion annually and support small-scale farmers in its direct chain of supply and develop key plans for farmers who are women until 2030. 

  • Caring for habitats, water quality, and soil health

Soil health is largely acknowledged as a major benefactor to ecosystem health that can improve the productivity of farms and weather elasticity. When the soil health is improved, emissions from the greenhouses are reduced, the tolerance to drought is increased, the quality of water improves and this in turn enables farmers to feed the growing population globally and feed the planet (Clifford & Zaman, 2016). The plan will run until 2030, and, although funded by cooperative organizations, it will attract 3 billion dollars yearly in investment. 

The co-chairing of the Midwest Row Crop Collaborative (MRCC) could be one example of Kellogg’s efforts in this area. This cooperation will bring together three international non-governmental organizations and nine multinational companies to work together in the upstream basin of Mississippi of the United States. They shall focus on the water and soil quality. The aim of the MRCC includes the objective to illustrate environmental and economic advantages of soil fitness exercises to farmers in the principal agrarian sector. 

  • Enhancing long-lasting husbandry

Most of the labor is tasked as part of Kellogg’s Origins ™ program for sustainable agriculture. Today, exceeding 40 Kellogg Origins work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), scientists, farmers, and suppliers around the world to positively impact the lives of farmers, improve environmental outcomes, and increase productivity.

 Kellogg needs to develop a merit-enhanced potato chain of supply for Pringles® from Bangladesh for use in the market of Asia. By forming alliances with vendors as well as United States Agency for International Development (USAID), it can connect with up to a thousand Bangladeshi smallholder producers and enlarge their employment of feasible farming exercises, inclusive of tutoring on farming operations and post-harvest stock implementations. Production is expected to be 25-100% above the national average. This will increase the interest borders of contracted farmers and significantly improve their means of living. 

An additional sample could be the chemical-free vegetable lawn design founded by Kellogg and TechnoServe in a rural area of ​​Madhya Pradesh, India. The nutritional levels of mothers and children in the region remain low and unacceptable. This program can be improved to help families scale up their nutritional intake by aiding women to plant little vegetable lawns by investing 9 billion annually until 2030.  Resulting from this, 75% of homesteads shall consume vegetables two times a day, and 22% of homesteads shall ingest vegetables 3 times a day. This plot should improve the under-nutrition of iron, vitamin A, calcium, and proteins and increase energy absorption. Energy intake should not be below the recommended level. Women who sell surplus food in the garden can help better their lives.

  • Recommendations and implementation 


Investment on the farmland can successfully promote farming labor and productiveness of the land. Productivity is a key aspect of agricultural income and therefore contributes to improving the living conditions of people experiencing food insecurity, for example, through aids to decrease the  natural resources pressure which are scarce. So far, privatized entitiess, farmers in particular, have been the sole source of investments in the countryside. But to ensure nutrition and food security, as well as sustainable and inclusive development, it is necessary to invest in public products such as social protection, education, health, local transport, research on productivity, and institutionalization.  Kellogg’s 9 billion annual budget includes investments to enable suppliers to carry out their plans, and the government will develop policies to accelerate the achievements and support economic empowerment and gender equality by 2030 by facilitation of training, education, and tools for livelihood improvement.  

  • Conclusion 

Supporting health is essential for Kellogg. Working with foodies, partners, government leaders, and customers will ensure that everyone has enough food in a globe of increasing populations and progressively scarce inherent assets. Kellogg should continually operate with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), scientists, farmers, and suppliers to positively impact farmers’ lives, improve environmental outcomes and increase productivity, thus improving weather-friendly agriculture. With this investment, the incomes of the poor will gradually increase, and they will be able to gradually escape poverty on their own.



Blesh, J., Hoey, L., Jones, A. D., Friedmann, H., & Perfecto, I. (2019). Development pathways toward “zero hunger.” World Development, 118, 1-14.

Clifford, K. L., & Zaman, M. H. (2016). Engineering, global health, and inclusive innovation: focus on partnership, system strengthening, and local impact for SDGs. Global health action, 9(1), 30175.

Ellis, T. (2010). The New Pioneers: Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship. John Wiley & Sons.

Fracassi, P., Siekmans, K., & Baker, P. (2020). Galvanizing political commitment in the UN Decade of Action for Nutrition: Assessing commitment in member-countries of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. Food Policy, 90, 101788.

Jernigan, V. B. B., Huyser, K. R., Valdes, J., & Simonds, V. W. (2017). Food insecurity among American Indians and Alaska Natives: A national profile using the current population survey–food security supplement. Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition, 12(1), 1-10.

Reiman, J. (2012). The story of purpose: The path to creating a brighter brand, a greater company, and a lasting legacy. John Wiley & Sons.

Wilburn, K., & Wilburn, R. (2020). ESG Reporting Using UN Sustainable Development Goals. ISSN 2168-0612 FLASH DRIVE ISSN 1941-9589 ONLINE, 2.


Appendix A

Budget for recommendation 1.

  • Food on the move—ensuring food can get from the farm to market through investments in storage, transport, and other infrastructure (USD 2 billion/ year).


Appendix B

Budget for recommendation 2.

  • Empower the excluded— measures to ensure the poorest are included, such as steps regarding social protection spending or training for rural youth (USD 3 billion/ year).


Appendix C

Budget for recommendation 3.

  • On the farm—including training for farmers, developing climate-resilient crops, and improving livestock feed (USD 9 billion/ year).


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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