College Essay Examples

Choosing a Career Direction


According to Garnesby (2013), work occupies a significant portion of people’s lives and it is approximated that people spend nearly a third of their lives working. Therefore, it is essential to reflect on the type of work or career one will choose considering that they will spend most of their time on it. However, it should be understood that choosing the right career is not an easy task. It should be a carefully thought-out process so that one avoids having regrets later in their career. The most important considerations in choosing a career direction should be a person’s interests and talents and skills.

One’s interests should be the most important factor to consider when choosing a career direction. Nothing is more satisfying than pursuing a career that you enjoy. When one considers their interests in career selection, they will likely turn their passion into a profession (Garnesby, 2013). Getting payment for doing things that one loves can be fulfilling. Therefore, before embarking on choosing a career direction, it is essential to identify the things that one is passionate about, list them, and search for a career where one can apply these things.

Figuring out one’s interests involves reviewing various aspects of their life. For instance, hobbies can help one understand their interests. If a person loves playing football, they can pursue football as a career in future. Understanding one’s interests can involve reviewing the things that consume most of their time both indoors and outdoors (Garnesby, 2013). Also, one should enquire if they like working with books, people, animals, or data. Depending on what they like working with, it can be easy to decide on their career choice. Also, they should ask themselves the activities they would miss if they could not do them any longer. These questions can help reveal one’s interests, which can help them decide on their career choices. However, if a person is confused about understanding their interest, it is advisable to seek help from counselors who can then help them identify these interests. Considering one’s interests is key in career selection because one will feel contented and excited to pursue their career goals.

Talents and skills are other important considerations in choosing a career direction. The natural talent and cultivated skill set that a person has can play a vital role in their decision on the right career path to pursue (Foskett & Hemsley-Brown, 2002). For instance, a person who is highly creative and exceptional in the communication of ideas can decide to pursue digital marketing. A person can make a rewarding career based on their talents and skills. Therefore, pursuing a career based on the things one is perfect in can help them pursue a rewarding career.

If I were to advice a younger brother, sister, or friend about a career choice, I would tell them to consider anything to do with them first. These include their interests, their talents and skills, their attitude, their values, and their personality. Considering these things can be key in the achievement of happiness in one’s career. One’s career is a big part of their life, which is why one must seek happiness.

In conclusion, choosing a career direction should involve the consideration of one’s interests, talents, and skills. These aspects are key to their happiness because a career plays a significant part in life. A piece of advice I would give a young person regarding career choices is to focus on their happiness.



Foskett, N., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2002). Choosing futures. Routledge.

Garnesby, S. (2013). Career planning & development: The path towards your dream job. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

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