College Essay Examples

Case Scenario 2

The main problem at Smiley Hospital is inappropriate performance evaluation that leads to inaccurate measurement of their responsibilities. Meaning, the performance outcomes from the groups do not match their completed duties. Therefore, staff members have low morale at work based on the unequal distribution of responsibilities. Leadership should recognize every group with their potential and assign appropriate tasks that the groups can complete and feel part of the organization’s mission. Besides, they need to uphold ethical behavior required in a health organization to keep up with the needs of the employees. Overall, the problem is affecting the employees because they do not feel recognized by the organization’s leadership. The workgroup structure is perceived through work roles, size, cohesiveness, and status relationships (Muhizi et al., 2017). These factors influence group processes and the overall performance of employees. Since the responsibilities are different, the evaluation of performance should not be the same across the unit. Work role is supposed to define individual responsibilities based on a group. 

Various solutions can be used to improve performance evaluation among the employees. First, the managers at Smiley Hospital should make performance feedback part of their culture. In doing so, the departments and groups will meet unit and organization goals. Therefore, both employees and managers should understand the importance of providing feedback regularly (Mone & London, 2018). It will allow easy identification of problems when they arose and be dealt with before escalating. The negative outcome of the solution is that employees will be overconfident to quote even unnecessary problems that they can solve on their own. In other words, they can end up posing irrelevant questions to the managers that can lead to laxity in performing duties. 

Secondly, the managers should comprehend how the employees perceive negative feedback. Creating the organizational culture requires an understanding of how employees deliver and reaction to negative feedback. Ideally, no one wants to receive criticism so, it is crucial to look for a way to deliver the feedback to employees. Negative feedback requires the managers to stick to facts and focus on building future performance to ensure employees have clear ideas to avoid issues in the future. The solution can be of negative influence because the employees may feel offended when considering their work responsibilities and environment. Therefore, it is vital to understand the employees’ needs and relate them to their performance.

Lastly, it is important to engage employees actively in the process to improve their morale at work. The managers must understand that feedback and conversations concerning performance are two-way streets. The employees within the groups will have respect only if they are actively involved in the organization. It is better to start with self-evaluations so that employees can evaluate the performance of managers and team members. It is vital to provide employees with feedback about performance monthly or quarterly to improve productivity and employee turnover (Aguinis, 2019). However, the solution can negatively affect the organization, especially where managers are not well trained. It calls for heavy responsibilities among the managers to provide employees with feedback regularly. 

Overall, the problem of performance evaluation has been escalating in various organizations. It is the work of the managers to ensure that the employees are steering the organization’s productivity. Smiley Hospital being a health organization, the managers should ensure feedback is part of the organization’s culture. Also, they should study employees before giving them negative feedback. In doing so, the employees will have high morale. 


Mone, E. M., & London, M. (2018). Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.

Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance management for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Muhizi, S., Shamshin, G., Muthanna, A., Kirichek, R., Vladyko, A., & Koucheryavy, A. (2017, June). Analysis and performance evaluation of SDN queue model. In International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communication (pp. 26-37). Springer, Cham.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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