College Essay Examples

Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear

Question 1

The characteristics of successful teams include effective communication, delegation, efficiency, ideas, and support mechanism. Effective communication in most crucial of all as it involves updating every member and ensuring the have similar information. Once one is a good communicator then it means he or she is a good listener. Also, it is appropriate to offer encouragement to get the best out of the teams. When teams work together, they should be ready to understand the strengths and weaknesses of one another. Besides, every member should be comfortable to offer suggestions and ideas to create and respectful and trusting team environment (Wellington, 2012). Independent teams are vital to the success of an organization because it leads to less business risk based on how they make incremental changes. It is crucial for the executives to choose teams with members with different capabilities to allow for diversity. Therefore, independent teams deliver what is needed in the organization. 

Question 2

When leading teams within various levels of an organization, it is important to consider various factors. The key factors include trust, communication, and effective leadership. Meaning, a leading should be ensure everything is conveyed to the team members. Importantly, a leader should trust the team at every level of the organization with tasks (Wellington, 2012). The delivery of the tasks should match with the effectiveness of leadership. Therefore, it is important to decide based on the ideas of the teams. At the executive level, teams should be led based on their strategic abilities, operational knowledge, and emotional intelligence. The ability of the teams to work as peers is liked to their ability to manage their direct reports. A strong executive leader should be able to mobilize members to propel the vision and strategy of the organization. 

Question 3

Choosing the appropriate teams is the trickiest part of team design but is of great importance. The team should have a right mix of individual selected. The mix must consider technical and interpersonal skills alongside the correct level of diversity. Also, the role if every member should be clearly differentiated. During the selection process, a leader must consider team size, individual skills, diversity, and formal leadership (Aapaoja et al., 2013). Team size should be considered first because you can select more people who does not fit into the organization. Therefore, the leader needs to consider the tasks, skills of individuals, and deadlines of the tasks. After choosing the appropriate team, it is crucial to analyze the conditions before launching the team. It involves analyzing the processes and communicating to them their responsibilities before launch. 

Question 4

Important factors for an ongoing team dynamic include open communication, goal clarity, empowerment, effective leadership, clarity of roles and responsibilities, and rewards. A team that cares about its task is considered positive because it has open and honest communication. An ongoing team dynamic also empower team members as they are given the right of making own decisions. Importantly, a team dynamic has members understanding their roles and responsibilities, organization goals, and emphasize positivity (Bisbey, & Salas, 2019). Therefore, all these will be possible with an effective leadership. Evaluation of the function and productivity of teams can be through job-specific competencies, leadership competencies, morale, and operational metrics. It is advisable to measure the ability of each member to complete tasks. Also, leadership competency model helps to evaluate the personal effectiveness and make strategic decisions. Most of the time, leaders are expected to take a poll from the team to determine the morale and overall performance. Lastly, it is crucial to develop a monthly report to know employee job satisfaction. 

Question 5

There are strategies that can be used in an organization to create collaboration and leadership initiative teams. First, the CEO can share the company’s mission regularly so that the team can work towards the same objective. Therefore, Barker should give the employees a reason to get passionate about every day. With this, when confronted with challenges, the teams can keep the mission in mind and stay focused (Groysberg, 2017). The second strategy is to communicate expectations for collaboration as a minimum standard. The process should be part of the board to have potential recruits. By defining and communicating team goals, the teams understand their goals to keep everyone productive. Barker can use this strategy to work towards one goal and retaliate the challenges. The last strategy is encouraging creativity. It can be done by having a brainstorming session where member can open up to creative thinking (Bagshaw et al., 2007). Barker can use it to challenge ideas to have employees feel they have a stake in the company’s mission. 

Question 6

As a leader, I would empower my team through compassion by promoting positive relations among team members. A good relationship is one that have respect and trust. It relies on the fundamental principle of honesty, fairness, compassion, and integrity that are crucial for organizational success (Zhu, Treviño, & Zheng, 2016). Also, I will develop an act of service to help adopt servant leadership. It is due to our willingness to serve others that we ensure combined energy and potentials that will help in achieving the team goals. 



Zhu, W., Treviño, L. K., & Zheng, X. (2016). Ethical leaders and their followers: The transmission of moral identity and moral attentiveness. Business Ethics Quarterly26(1), 95-115.

Bisbey, T., & Salas, E. (2019). Team dynamics and processes in the workplace. In Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology.

Bagshaw, D., Lepp, M., & Zorn, C. R. (2007). International research collaboration: Building teams and managing conflicts. Co

Aapaoja, A., Herrala, M., Pekuri, A., & Haapasalo, H. (2013). The characteristics of and cornerstones for creating integrated teams. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.

Wellington, P. (2012). Managing successful teams. Kogan Page Publishers.

Groysberg, B. (2017). Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activewear: Bringing the Executive Team Together. 

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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