College Essay Examples

Online Dating

Technology has changed quite a number of aspects in the lives of people in the current generation. In the past, people had to go through a great hustle before meeting an ideal partner that they would spend the rest of their lives with (Paramita, 2021). This notion has completely changed today because people can go the traditional dating way or adapt to the new online dating method. Like any other new invention, online dating has had its own share of criticism from people who think it is inappropriate but equally loved by the optimistic individuals who wish to try new ventures (Nguyen, 2020). People who criticize this form of dating argue that it is unsafe since there is a high likelihood of meeting people with bad intentions (Nguyen, 2020). However, we confidently conclude that the traditional dating method is a hundred percent safe since people can hide their real intentions regardless of the mode of dating they use. 

           Evidently, online dating has more advantages than disadvantages, making it an ideal way of meeting dating partners. Based on research conducted to determine the number of people using online dating platforms, it is clear that more Americans are using different dating sites to try their luck on love (Paramita, 2021). A recent report on this topic indicated that more than 40 million Americans are using online dating sites and applications (Paramita, 2021). Basically, this forms more than 40 percent of people in the United States (US) alone who have placed their trust in this form of dating. People interviewed concerning this form of dating stated that they prefer to use dating sites because it is more convenient (Paramita, 2021). There are also high chances of meeting people who meet the essential characteristics that a person needs in a partner (Paramita, 2021). Most dating sites use personality tests that guide people into finding perfect matches. 

           People who prefer to use the traditional dating method to meet a person individually before asking them out on a date do not have this privilege. In most cases, this dating method involves a person watching a person for quite a period before they can make the first step to ask them for a date (Nguyen, 2020). Ideally, it is pretty hard to learn a person’s character by simply observing them from a distance. In the traditional form of dating, a couple can spend much time together without cracking the real identity of the other person; hence wasting precious time, they would have progressed to the next stage of dating (Nguyen, 2020). In other words, unlike online dating, where people meet people who match their criteria, traditional dating method takes up much time in trying to identify if the couple is compatible. 

           Following the changes brought about by the digital age, many people spend much time on their phones or computer. People have less time to interact with others face to face, which has led to more people forming meaningful relationships online. Statistics show that one out of five relationships established in the current era occur online (Paramita, 2021). In essence, these statistics are bound to increase in the near future as the world becomes more exposed to technology. Digital designers are coming up with new social platforms that people use to connect regardless of their location. As a matter of fact, the world is fast evolving into a global village connected by the internet. Ultimately, this means that computers and phones are a new way that people get to meet friends and possibly dating partners (Paramita, 2021). It is hard to change the wave created by the latest technology, making online dating a more effective way of meeting potential partners. 

           Another advantage of online dating is the infinite possibility of meeting people an individual would have never met without engaging in this form of dating. The traditional dating method gives a person limited options since they can only meet people within their region or social circles (Nguyen, 2020). Before the evolution of technology, people used to married individuals from their community since they were the closest partners they could get. The best chances they attained in meeting a new person in college or a workmate came from a different region. Online dating has created an avenue that allows people from other continents to interact and form a lasting relationship that commonly leads to marriage (Paramita, 2021). Consequently, this has also created room for diversity as people become more accommodative of other cultures and religions.

           Despite the numerous advantages of online dating, it would be inappropriate to accept that this form of dating also has its cons. One of the greatest flaws of this form of dating is the possibility of people lying on their profiles. Several studies have revealed that men tend to lie about their financial status, age, and height (Vipobtanaseth, et al, 2017). On the other hand, women also lie about their age, physical appearance, and weight. This aspect makes a person believe that they are dating a person who meets their preferred criteria while it is all a lie (Vipobtanaseth, et al, 2017). This characteristic is unlikely in the traditional dating method since people have to meet before they start dating.  Online dating also offers a wide range of people that one has to select from. Essentially, this might end up taking up much time as a person tries to go through the profile of each match they get, thereby losing on valuable opportunities of getting the right person. 

           In conclusion, online dating is an ideal method that people can utilize to form lasting relationships that lead to marriage. This dating method is also appropriate for people who do not have much time for face-to-face interactions due to the nature of their work or lifestyle (Nguyen, 2020). Unlike the traditional dating method, online dating also increases the possibility of meeting a person that matches one’s characteristics. As a result, it saves much time the dating partners would have utilized to establish their compatibility. Additionally, people who use online dating sites and applications are likely to meet people they would have never met using traditional dating methods. Nevertheless, this form of dating has its disadvantages because it increases the chances of people lying about their personalities (Vipobtanaseth, et al, 2017). However, this does not mean that the traditional form of dating is free from lies since people can always hide their true nature and reveal them later in the relationship (Vipobtanaseth, et al, 2017). In other words, there is no safe mode of dating and falling in love has always been a risk-taking affair that people have learned to accommodate in their lives. Ultimately, despite the risks that online dating might present, it still remains to be a more effective method that people should explore.


Nguyen, A. N. (2020). Love at First Click: Understanding Success in Marriage Through the Experience of Online Dating (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University).

Paramita, F. B. A. C. (2021). Changes in culture and matchmaking behavior: online dating on Tinder. Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences13(1), 33-45.

Vipobtanaseth, P., & Mujtaba, B. (2017). A study of users’ perception of online dating websites. Int. J. Curr. Sci. Technol5(7), 457-466. 

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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