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Career Management Plan

Executive Summary

This report provides the current management plan for Chiquila company and how career management plan can improve its current state. The report further examines the history of career management plan in Chiquila by exploring the company’s past practices and its validation. Additionally, the report establishes the conditions that necessitate the change it recommends. It further explores the cost, legal issues, and relationship implications of implementing the recommended career development plan. The report also examines how other companies approach the issues, as well as published survey results on the subject. Finally, the document recommends the timeline for the implementation of the suggested career management plan for the company, evaluates the alternatives, and specifies actions taken to implement the recommendation.


Chiquila Company should restructure the employee incentive and mentorship programs to increase the morale of the employees and decrease turnover. The upper management of the company will provide mentorship to other employees. Additionally, the company’s employees will offer their goal statements which will be mandatory. The top management will provide the company’s employees with target feedback and assessment. Also, all the staff will attend mini management training seminars every four months to ensure they acquire the management skills required in their daily duties. Chiquila will provide predetermined goal completion incentives for realizing the company’s goals and objectives to encourage the sales team to strive to meet their goal statement. The company will also reward hourly employees with employee commitment bonus. Furthermore, the hourly employees will receive commitment bonuses. Completion incentives will be predetermined and set to encourage the employees’ high performance. Employee reporting for work on time for ninety days will be rewarded with an extra hour of lunch breaks which they can opt to save to add up to a full day off. [“Write my essay for me?” Get help here.]


The recommendation is being submitted as a result of employee evaluation which showed that there is no employer involvement in career management in the company. The assessment involved employees being asked a standard set of questions to establish their opinion on employee career management in the enterprise.


History of the Issue

Chiquila is a mid-size paper company situated in North America. Currently, the company does not have an employee career management plan. The company has been rewarding the hourly employees depending on the hours spent working. The employees work for forty hours, and Chiquila compensates them for only the forty hours without any other incentives. Chiquila pays the sales worker 8% of the sales and does not offer any sales incentives to these employees. The rationale behind implementing this compensation plan is that the company believes that the employees should only be paid for the work they do. For this reason, Chiquila has not implemented incentives programs.

Symptoms vs Cause

Chiquila’s revenue increased between 2015 and 2016. However, complaints from the employees concerning the working conditions in the company also increased. The overall morale of the employees in the company has decreased drastically, thus necessitating the implementation of employee turnover management plan. The main reason behind the need for the change has been the increased company turnover and decline in sales. The certain percentages of the company’s turnover and the employee surveys from the interviews have all been considered to determine the need for this change.

Cost Implications

The annualized cost will include the management training for the employees and the bonus rewarded to both the sales and hourly employees. The benefits of implementing the career development plan outweigh these cost. The program ensures that employees are satisfied in the company minimizing, consequently their chances of leaving for another organization. In the long run, it helps the company to retain its employees. Employee retention reduces the cost of hiring and training new employees. Additionally, the employees’ productivity is enhanced due to their improved morale, hence increasing the company’s revenue.

The plan will increase the HR budget due to employees training. However, the HR budget will decrease as the training decreases. Also, the budget will reduce due to the reduction in the number of new hires being recruited as a result of the company’s high employees’ retention rate.

Legal Implications

The recommended career management plan has no expected legal consequence. However, the Chiquila will consult an outside law firm annually to evaluate all new practices it implements and identify any discrepancies in the process.

Relationship Implications

Through the conducted survey, Chiquila’s employees have expressed their concerns. Additionally, they have responded positively to all career management reforms suggestions. The company’s managers and supervisors should be willing and prepared to implement these changes since they will increase the productivity of the employees, hence helping the company to realize its objectives. Implementing these changes will be beneficial to all the company’s employees including these supervisors and managers. The increased employee’s morale will have a positive impact on the recruitment and retention of workers in the company. The workers will be willing to continue working with a company that values their career development and compensates them for their efforts. Also, the employee career management program and the increased morale among the company’s employees will act as a selling point in the company staffing. The career management program will be a significant incentive for fresh graduates who desire to advance their career rather than just look for a job (McKeown & Lindorff, 2011). The outside critics of the current situation in the company will be captivated by the new policies and how the company will be involved in the employee’s’ well-being. This company’s positive image to the community will positively influence retention and recruit since more people will be willing to work in the enterprise. [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

Other Companies’ Practices

Other companies develop career development strategies that have helped in recruitment and retention as well as increasing morale of their employees. The result has been a notable reduction in employee turnover while increasing productivity and profits (Sania, Kalpina, & Javed, 2015). These companies continually evaluate their career development to determine their return-on-investment. Similarly, they have achieved this by encouraging career conversation such as consistent performance evaluation dialogues by equipping their managers with necessary skills to conduct conversations in a way that leaves the employees feeling empowered and valued (Sania et al., 2015). Another way used by companies to handle such issues is by promoting career lattice to encourage employees who desire to explore different paths (McKeown & Lindorff, 2011). Additionally, the companies ensure that their career development programs help the employees to exploit their talents, consequently making them feel more confident in their work. As such, satisfied employees enjoy utilizing their skills to the fullest in the workplace (Gomez, 2014).

According to a Global Workforce Study conducted in 2014, 41% of employees expressed a desire to join another company to advance their career (Chakraborty & Rudbeck, 2014). In the same study, 40% of high potential employees stated that they wanted to leave their organization for career advancement (Chakraborty & Rudbeck, 2014). The research cites opportunities for career advancement as one of the chief reason for employees joining or leaving an organization. According to the study, approximately 48% of the employers who participated in the Talent Management and Reward Study stated that recruitment activities rose compared to the previous year (Chakraborty & Rudbeck, 2014). 35% of the employers indicated that turnover was on the rise. 65% of the respondent employers expressed experiencing difficulty in luring high potential employees while 56% of the employees reported challenges in retaining 54% and 56% of their top performing and promising employees respectively (Chakraborty & Rudbeck, 2014).

A survey conducted by Chiquila Company indicates that the company does not have a career management plan. The study suggests that morale of the employees in the company has drastically decreased which would result to employees leaving the company in pursuit of career development. As a result, the company turnover would increase.


The company should implement the career management plan recommendation immediately to minimize the risk of losing potential and high performing employees. The career management plan will raise the morale and the productivity of the employees, hence increasing the company’s revenue. Additionally, the career management plan will help the employees feel valued and enhance their chances of career development in the company. As a result, such motivation encourages employees to remain in the company, thus reducing the business’s turnover. The importance of implementing the plan is paramount and should be completed in the next six months.

Evaluation of alternatives

The recommendation considers the current compensation plan of the company where employees are only paid for their work without additional rewards about their performance. It is the only alternative to career management plan. Chiquila enjoys several benefits by implementing this option, which includes:

  1. The company only pays the employees for the hours they have worked and for the tasks they have performed.
  2. The company does not incur extra costs associated with staff training and compensation plan.

However, the alternative has some disadvantages which outweigh the perceived advantages. They include:

  1. Lack of career development opportunities for the employees which lead to decreased morale and reduced productivity.
  2. The employee’s decreased productivity reduces the company’s revenue.
  3. The company loses valuable employees as they quit their jobs in search of better working conditions where they can advance their careers. Such a move compounds the company’s turnover.
  4. The departure of these employees requires the company to hire and train new employees which can be expensive. Hiring and training new employees increase the HR budget than the cost of mentorship and incentives plans.
  5. Lack of the career management plan is costly to the company. The survey conducted and on the company’s employees and the statistics in existing literature supports this conclusion. [Click Essay Writer to order your essay]


Several steps are necessary to ensure the career management plan serves the intended purpose. The first phase involves synchronizing the employee’s career development plan with the company’s goals. The second phase includes communicating with the employees to determine their career goals and skill level. Thirdly, the company needs to identify the skills that each employee should acquire. Next, the company should come up with an action plan to determine how the employees will achieve the objectives established in the previous steps. Finally, the company should create opportunities where the workers can apply the skills they have acquired to their respective jobs and obtain feedback. The company will realize the best return on investment by providing the employees with work opportunities to implement their new skills.

Proposed Policy Draft

Employee career development plan
Name:                                                                                                 Position:
Department:                                                                                      Supervisor:

Goals Acquired/to be acquired skills Required resources Learning opportunities Status (Start/ Completed)
(1 year)
Critical within the current position
(2 years)
Necessary for growth at current position
(3-5 years)
Important for career growth


Chakraborty, R., & Rudbeck, S. (2014). Career management: Making it work for employees and employers. Retrieved 13 October 2016, from

Gomez, M. (2014). How career development programs support employee retention. Retrieved 13 October 2016, from

McKeown, T., & Lindorff, M. (2011). The graduate job search process – a lesson in persistence rather than good career management? Education + Training53(4), 310-320.

Sania, U., Kalpina, K., & Javed, H. (2015). Diversity, employee morale and customer satisfaction: The three musketeers. JOEBM3(1), 11-18.


Survey form used in the report

Questions Please answer all the questions in this survey
Does the company have a career management plan?
Does the company have opportunity for you to advance your career?
Does the company offer training and development to the employees?
Does lack of career development in the company affect your morale and productivity?
Would you be willing to switch to a company or organization that offer better career development plan?
What reforms would you suggest for a better career management plan?
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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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