College Essay Examples

Which Political Ideology Works Best?


Ideologies are the foundation of political theories. Ideologies are associated with frameworks that grant political power. Ideologies focus on how to get power and how power should be used. Out of the four ideologies that exist, tribalism is the most common in today’s world, and liberalism offers the best chance for sustainable political, cultural, and economic growth.

Describe the Central Political Ideology Discussed in each Article

Realist World: The Players Change, but the Game Remains

The central political ideology discussed in this article is authoritarianism. Geopolitics and international rivalries still exist, and they are decided on by the state’s ability to manage its resources and foreign affairs. The United States of America, a liberal nation, is experiencing much domestic instability. China, on the other hand, has a monolithic economy despite its thuggish and corrupt dictatorial regime.  (Kotkin, 2018).

Liberal World: The Resilient Order

The central political ideology discussed in this article is liberalism. The article discusses the rise of an illiberal society and its leaders. The periods where liberal democracy has persevered and taken root, it was because of how effectively it solves modern problems, including those that come with globalization. The united states, a liberal state, has sustained an international system for several years and is bound to do so for many more years (Deudney & Ikenberry, 2018).

Tribal World: Group Identity is All

The central political ideology discussed in this article is tribalism. Human beings need to belong to a group. It is human nature. One of the causes of tribalism is the white man’s loss of majority status caused by; a decrease in social mobility, a divide between the different classes and the media outwardly rewarding the discord by sharing the outrage. The divide has led to different cultural and social groups feeling attacked, and the politicians are using these as a tactic by appealing to the fears of the different groups (Chua, 2020).

Marxist World: What Did You Expect from Capitalism

The central political ideology discussed in this article is communism. Marx predicted that the internal logic of capitalism would cause dominance of large and powerful firms, stagnant wages, unemployment, and equality to increased inequality, unemployment, stagnant wages, and the dominance of large and powerful firms. Marx had thought the revolution would come through developed countries such as the United States, but instead, the revolution began in less developed countries like China. Over time capitalism has undergone such bizarre changes that it is becoming impossible to explain social relations. Capitalism still exists because people worship material things, and their value dominates (Varghese, 2020).

One National and One International Policy Affected by One of the Political Ideologies Discussed: Liberalism

In a liberal democracy, countries use the principles of liberalism to make decisions in government.  In the United States, liberalism is a moral philosophy, and its objective is to ensure that the rights of each individual are respected and obliged. The rights and freedom protected by the constitution vary, but they usually include rights to due process, right to run for public office, freedom to join organizations, right to vote, right to privacy, property, and equality (Chua, 2017). One national policy affected by the liberal ideology is the gender equality policy. Gender inequality has decreased in the US, but it persists in some areas. Many legislations have been made to ensure women are at par with men. The positions held by women have decreased from their peak in 2001. some of the reasons coined for this include the fact that women are commonly found in demographic groups with little political participation. Women are socialized to avoid politics or are too busy taking care of household responsibilities. Women are less likely to get jobs than men even when they are equally qualified, and They are usually paid less than men most of the time. The nineteenth amendment to the constitution ensured women could vote. In 1963 the equal pay act was passed. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made discriminatory hiring illegal. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission made adverts that were for a particular gender illegal. The Equal Rights Amendment Act made it illegal to deny anyone rights on account of sex. Thus were all attempts to ensure equal rights for all according to liberalism principles (Maume & Ruppanner, 2015).

Foreign policies are affected by liberal ideology. Trade liberation chatters for policies that open up countries allowing free trade with the rest of the world. Organizations such as Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) determine the rules for trade between countries and ensure that trade supports each country’s best interest. Trade liberalization has enabled countries to exchange goods freely without border restrictions. Trade liberalization increases efficiency, decreases costs, and perpetuates economic growth. Competition from abroad will increase the incentive for local organizations to decrease their manufacturing costs and produce cheaper goods. Countries which are more developed and have a higher percentage of an educated workforce benefits more from the liberalization of trade because the human resource can adapt faster to the change (Hayes, 2016).

Assess which Political Ideology Discussed is the Most Accurate in Describing Today’s World: Tribal World: Group Identity is All

A civil war had to occur before establishing that the Bill of Rights extended to all Americans, and it is clear the nation is struggling to live by these principles. The constitution’s goal was to unite all Americans (Clark et al., 2019). America is a multiethnic community consisting of individuals whose origins are rooted in other countries. These individuals would rather identify as Virginians and New Yorkers, complicating the efforts to unify the country (Whitt et al., 2020).

Americans view people with differing opinions politically as enemies who should be removed. The constitution is viewed as a weapon to be used against enemies. America is influenced by identity politics more than ever before (Chua, 2020). Most European and Asian countries are ethnic nations but are composed of many people from a single group. These large groups determine the culture and the language spoken. China which is a strong ethnic nation, has minority groups that are suppressed. This is because majority groups are less open to minority cultures. France seems to be forcing ethnic and religious assimilation. Not realizing that one can identify with their culture and be patriotic to the constitution simultaneously (Clark et al., 2019). In Africa, there are over three thousand tribes spread among its fourth seven nations. Tribalism has resulted in hatred between communities, greatly slowing development in the region. Tribal politics have placed many  African countries on the verge of civil war, with each group aiming to push for marrow tribal interests. Twenty years of war in Somalia has established the need to push for ideas that build the nation rather than cultural identities. Tribes have remained the foundation of multiparty elections in the region. For any of these countries to achieve democratic success and lasting stability, politics and democracy must focus on the ideologies that promote everyone’s interest within the community (Fukuyama, 2018).


The four ideologies, liberalism, communism, authoritarianism, and tribalism, form the foundations of governments worldwide. Liberalism seems to be the most stable, while communism allows for fast economic growth. Various political policies have been coined to create a liberal world, including gender equality and trade policies. Trade liberalization offers a great opportunity for countries to work together to improve their economies. As more people turn to identity politics, it is clear that it eventually leads to political systems failure.


Chua, A. (2020, April 16). Tribal World. Retrieved from

Chua, B. H. (2017). Liberalism disavowed. Cornell University Press.

Clark, C. J., Liu, B. S., Winegard, B. M., & Ditto, P. H. (2019). Tribalism is human nature. Current Directions in Psychological Science28(6), 587-592.

Deudney, D., & Ikenberry, G. J. (2018). Liberal world: The resilient order. Foreign Aff.97, 16.

Fukuyama, F. (2018). Against identity politics: The new tribalism and the crisis of democracy. Foreign Aff.97, 90.

Hayes, J. P. (2016). Making trade policy in the European Community. Springer.

Kotkin, S. (2018). Realist world: The players change, but the game remains. Foreign Aff.97, 10.

Maume, D. J., & Ruppanner, L. (2015). State liberalism, female supervisors, and the gender wage gap. Social science research50, 126-138.

Varghese, R. (2020, April 16). Marxist World. Foreign Affairs.,up%20with%20increases%20in%20productivity.&text=Even%20if%20individual%20capitalists%20and,as%20a%20whole%20is%20irrational.

Van Belle, D. A. (2016). A novel approach to politics (4th ed.). CQ Press.

Whitt, S., Yanus, A. B., McDonald, B., Graeber, J., Setzler, M., Ballingrud, G., & Kifer, M. (2020). Tribalism in America: behavioural experiments on affective polarization in the Trump Era. Journal of Experimental Political Science1, 13.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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