College Essay Examples

Professional Interview

Selecting the right candidate is very important in any organization. Hiring the wrong person might be very costly to the organization; the wrong recruit might make gruesome mistakes, require close observation or further training. The use of personality tests as a measure of job fit is on the rise. Assessment based on personality traits can be used accurately to determine a professional’s suitability for their career choice. In this paper, we look at questions specific to personality type and personality traits, the rationale for these questions, and the theories that support this rationale (Sollod & Monte, 2008).

Questions specific to how personality type and personality traits have played a role in job selection, professional successes, and professional challenges;

  1. What songs do you listen to?
  2. Can you describe your closest friends?
  3. Are you in control of what happens to you?
  4. Who are you, and how will you get to where you want to be?
  5. Are you stressed or anxious?
  6. Are you confident you can do this?
  7. Do you have everything you need to achieve your goals? 
  8. Do you prefer communicating with emails or calls?
  9. Do you find it easy to empathize?
  10. Would you help your neighbor move their couch?

The Rationale for the Questions Based on the Personality Theories 

The social cognitive theory explains that our comprehension of the environment guides behavior. Memory, emotions, and environment are the forces that influence our personality. This influence is also referred to as observational learning. Perception and thinking also play a role in the development of personality (Engler, 2013). According to Bandura’s self-system, people perceive what is going on in their surroundings, assess and determine whether or not they will adopt the same behavior depending on whether it will be reinforced. This is the concept of reciprocal determinism, which means that humans control whatever they choose to do, but environmental forces influence their actions (Bouton & Margaret, 2011).

Locus of control theory refers to the extent to which individuals believe they are in control of their environment and what happens to them. Internal locus of control is the outcomes within the power of an individual, while external locus is the outcomes that are independent of an individual’s control; they are determined by fate and cannot be influenced by decisions or hard work (Engler, 2013)

The humanistic theory focuses on the individualism of each individual and that everyone is inherently good. Everyone is focused on achieving a set of personal goals, and this desire will eventually grow to a point where an individual reaches self-actualization. Your personality is determined by the experiences that shape your mindset and your values (Magnavita, 2002). The humanistic theory categorizes needs from the weakest to the strongest at the top from physiological, safety, love, esteem, and actualization. Self-actualized people are confident of their abilities and are self-accepting. They have accepted the world for what it is and are sure they have all they need to succeed (Allen, 2015).

In the trait theory, psychologists measure the patterns of behavior, emotion, and thought. According to the five-factor model of personality, only five aspects are required to describe human nature—openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeables, and neuroticism. An open person is receptive to new ideas, conscientious is well organized, extraversive is talkative and friendly, an agreeable person is sympathetic and soft-hearted, and neurotic is prone to emotional outbursts (Schultz & Schultz, 2016).

Summary of the Interview

The interviewed professional is a surgeon in a busy hospital. The doctor loves listening to classical music while he works. The doctor’s friends are also doctors who have successful careers and are highly diligent in their work. The doctor feels like he is in control of what is happening, especially in the surgical, but not much control over what is happening in his life. The doctor believes that if he works hard, he can get a promotion in two years. He considers his colleagues and friends an essential support system and all he needs to succeed as a surgeon. The doctor loves video calls and prefers them to emails and texts. The doctor believes his sole purpose is to alleviate pain and not allow anyone to suffer. He would help his neighbor move his couch.

Significance of the Interviewee’s Personality and Career Choice

The doctor loves hearing classical music probably because it decreases his anxiety and nervousness when performing operations. Surgeons must be relaxed during surgeries to reduce errors. His friends are doctors and more prosperous; this could explain why he is committed and dedicated to his work. He has doctors that he is looking up to and wants to learn from them. He is committed to his cause. The doctor has an internal locus; he concentrates on saving the lives of his patients in the surgical room. He is working hard and choosing options that steer him towards the promotion he wants. Hard work makes him an exemplary doctor because he is highly motivated to perform his duties as per the required standards. The doctor is friendly and talkative. His talkative nature will help in his interactions with patients. The doctor is empathetic and focused on improving the quality of life of his patients. He is open-minded and not suspicious of the intentions of strangers.


It is increasingly essential for businesses to identify recruits whose values and personalities fit in the profession and whose values align with those of the company. Various theorists have coined different theories of personality. Questions can be derived from these theories to determine personality traits. Determining personality traits helps to identify whether an employee is suitable for their profession.


Allen, B. P. (2015). Personality theories: Development, growth, and diversity. Psychology Press.

Engler, B. (2013). Personality theories. Cengage Learning.

Magnavita, J. J. (2002). Theories of personality: Contemporary approaches to the science of personality. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Bouton, M., & Margaret Moore MBA, D. D. (2011). The cult of personality testing: Why assessments are essential for employee selection. The Journal of medical practice management: MPM, 27(3), 144.

Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). Theories of personality. Cengage Learning.

Sollod, R. N., & Monte, C. F. (2008). Beneath the mask: An introduction to theories of personality. John Wiley & Sons.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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