College Essay Examples


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In the process of language acquisition, individual differences and affective factors play various roles. Personalities, childhood experiences, positive outlook and cultural empathy are some examples of individual differences that have tremendous effects in the process of a person’s language acquisition. Affective factors in the process of language acquisition are factors that touch on the emotions and feelings of individuals. They refer to the emotional aspects of human behaviors. In order to understand this process fully, it is vital to analyze the influences that affective factors have in the process of language acquisition.

Self esteem
Self-esteem refers to the social phenomenon where a person evaluates his/ her competence in various fields against a set of values. In the process of language acquisition, the learner evaluates his/ her performance against some pre-set benchmarks of success like class performance and fluency in speaking a new language. If the learner realizes that the performance is good, this realization helps to boost the learner’s self-esteem and he/she becomes more enthusiastic towards the entire language acquisition process. There are three types of self-esteem: Global self-esteem, task self-esteem and situational self-esteem. Situational self-esteem refers to the appraisals a person gives to himself/ herself in various life situations and relates to language acquisition in general. To handle the issue of self-esteem, teachers should seek to raise learner’s confidence and self-esteem so that they do not discourage them from pursuing their dreams.[Click Essay Writer to order your essay]

Attribution Theory and Self-efficacy
This affect focuses on how people try to explain their failures or success. In the case of language acquisition, it refers to how the learner tries to explain his reasons for success or failure in the process of learning the new language. According to the theory, there are four explanations that learners use to explain their success at tasks for example language acquisition. The first two explanations (ability and effort) are internal to the learner while the other two (luck and task difficulty) are attributed to external factors around the learner. For example, difficulty of the task is an explanation that many learners use to explain their failures in language acquisition. My personal thought about this theory is that learners should be able to overcome all barriers and challenges to success whether internal or external. They should not seek to justify their reasons for failure but rather overcome them. [“Write my essay for me?” Get help here.]

Risk Taking
In language acquisition, risk taking is the learner’s ability to make guesses without fear. Learners should have healthy levels of risk taking and be willing to take hunches and risks in the process of learning without the fear of being wrong or ridiculed. This means that students are always willing to try out new sentence structures, vocabulary and expressions without fear of being wrong. After taking the risks, the students may realize it was worth the risk either because they find out that they were right, boosting their confidence levels or if they find that they were wrong, they get corrected and this improves the entire process of language acquisition. Students should always have high and healthy levels of risk taking to succeed in the process of language acquisition [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

Ambiguity Tolerance
Ambiguity tolerance refers to a person’s ability to tolerate and accept ideas, teachings and systems that are contrary to and not in line with the person’s knowledge structure and belief system. People with high ambiguity tolerance levels do not stand unnecessarily oppose new knowledge, teachings and cultures such as those that may be encountered in the process of new language acquisition. People with ambiguity intolerance are always opposed to new ideas cultures and knowledge that may be introduced to them in their lives for example in learning a new language .It is however worthy noting that a stable state of balance should be reached by a student or learner in the process of second language acquisition. A learner who has a high ambiguity tolerance level should be careful not to accept anything that comes his/ her way. The learner should wisely choose what to accept and what to reject. Acceptance of wrong information and knowledge can negatively affect the language acquisition process. Although ambiguity intolerance is not desirable in the process of language acquisition, a managed level of intolerance protects a learner from contradictory material and knowledge that can negatively affect the process of language acquisition. Intolerance enables a learner to concentrate on what is necessary in the process of language acquisition. To achieve good results in the process of language acquisition, teachers and learners should seek to establish workable and manageable levels of ambiguity tolerance and ambiguity intolerance.

I do agree with the analysis that has been given by the authors in chapters five and six. The affects that have been outlined as having effects in the process of language acquisition are correct and are observable even in the classroom set up as explained in the examples that I have given. The knowledge acquired from the reading will go a long way in helping me understand my future students in the process of teaching new languages. I have sufficient knowledge to understand all the factors that affect learners in the process of learning new languages. This will help me teach the students from a position that is friendly to them to achieve optimal results.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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