College Essay Examples


Sample by My Essay Writer

1. Your DiSC preference, and, in your own words, a summary of that preference and how it relates to you, personally.

My DiSC preference is “Conscientiousness.” This preference relates to me personally because each of the components plays a role in my life. While some of them aren’t major qualities of mine, they all are part of my personality, and all need to be considered when I am working in a group. I am definitely accurate, and I like to make sure everything is done correctly. If I am every running late for anything, I get intensely stressed out, and this is why I am compulsive about being on time. This leads nicely into the next characteristic under this DiSC preference: “reliability.” I don’t like to let anyone down, and when I do, I am very critical of myself. “Criticism” is another area that lines up with my DiSC preference. I find that the criticism I target towards myself is productive because it gets me to work hard, but I think being over-critical of others can be an issue because I shouldn’t have such high expectations of people. This just makes me disappointed in them a lot of the time.

2. For each of the three team members: Member 1
Indicate their Disc preference.

Team Member 1’s DiSC preference is “dominance.” They are very results-oriented, and this makes them very effective team members. They are logical and whenever they do something, it is too the point. This team member is very aware of the power structure that is inherent in this line of work, so they have an understanding of what needs to be done, and how it is that the project is going to get done. This “dominant” individual can be impatient, and they need to have quick answers from people.

Summarize their preference and what that means when interacting with you (advantages, challenges, opportunities, etc.)

This individual desires change quite frequently, and this can be a good thing, because they will want to improve the current situation. However, it can be a drawback because they might not be able to handle status quo. Because I, as a “Conscientious” person, likes the status quo, it can pose challenges working with the “Dominant” individual who likes change.

Describe your approach detailing how you will adapt and connect with this person.

If this individual wants change in the group, for example, then I will hear them out. However, if that change is not needed, then I will use logic to convince them of that fact, as “logic” is another part of this person’s DiSC.

2. For each of the three team members: Member 2
Indicate their Disc preference.

This team member falls under the category “Steadiness.” They are an excellent team player, while also being cautious to change. They need a good reason for doing so. They like to have a good balance between the work and home life, and is loyal to their team and friends. They want to have clear boundaries and they need to feel appreciated and recognized for what they are doing. It is also important for them to have security.

Summarize their preference and what that means when interacting with you (advantages, challenges, opportunities, etc.)

There are mostly challenges in working with this individual. For example, you can count on them to be a team player, and not to look out for themselves before the team. However, it could be difficult being the boss of an individual such as this because they need too much security, and they like to have a good work/home balance. While I can respect that on a personal level, it would be better in the work environment to have someone more dedicated to their job.
Describe your approach detailing how you will adapt and connect with this person.

I would make sure that this person knows that as long as they perform to a high standard and works hard at their job, they will have all the security they need to provide for their valued family.

2. For each of the three team members: Member 3
Indicate their Disc preference.

This team member falls into the category of “Influence.” They are very people-oriented, and they like to help others. They like to be recognized and they like to have change. They don’t like to be controlled and they don’t like picky details.

Summarize their preference and what that means when interacting with you (advantages, challenges, opportunities, etc.)

This person is very good to work with as part of the team. However, they may find it challenging to carry out direction that is needed.

Describe your approach detailing how you will adapt and connect with this person.

I can work with this by building a friendly relationship with this individual and verbally appreciating what they do.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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