College Essay Examples


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Teachers and instructors play a great role in determine the outcomes of the educational programs within learning institutions. A class’ performance is directly influenced by a teacher’s management style. Essentially, the teacher acts as a leader who influences the students’ choices in the class setting. Different teachers employ different management styles in carrying out their initiatives in the classroom setting. Some practice different styles such as a participative management style, affiliative management style, and others, given their hands on and demanding demeanors practice an authoritative management style. [“Write my essay for me?” Get help here.]

My personal management style is aligned towards the extension of clear directions and allowing the students to pursue the directions without any imposition. However, I avail myself in the event of a need for assistance and guidance (Wong, Wong, Jondahl, & Ferguson, 2014). This management style is a mix of the affiliative and participative management frameworks. As an affiliative manager, I will encourage good relationships among the students and towards myself. It is also a motivation framework given that it encourages the amicable diffusion of differences among the students (Kizlik, 2016). The participative framework will enable me to encourage student input in the classroom setting. Essentially, I will reinforce upon the students the need to extend their views without fear or mistrust. This will serve to boost their confidence and ultimately improve their performances in the class (Kizlik, 2016). I will further engage the coaching management framework. This will serve to ensure that my initiatives are aligned towards the developments of all the students in the classroom setting. It will further allow the boosting of individual student strengths, which is essential in improving their outcomes in the class initiatives.

In my first year of teaching experience, I will be subject to feelings of inadequacy. The classroom setting presents an entirely new environment to the teacher. This may prove to be disconcerting in the initial year. Despite the practices and skills integrated with the learning process on the challenge, I am likely to feel that my skills and initiatives are not enough. Likewise, aligning the behavior of the students towards positive interactions with me will pose a major challenge. Students tend to be curious and are more than willing to test the limits of teachers to determine the nature of the individual subject. This challenge is reflective of the indiscipline and misdemeanor that the students engage in in the classroom setting. Alternatively, the identification of each student’s expectations and the addressing of the same will pose a major challenge. Every student has his/her personal expectations, all which they hope to be addressed by the teachers (Finley, 2016). Any situation that will limit my ability to address such issues is likely to make the students disillusioned with the learning process. This will also affect their classroom performance negatively. Lastly, given my participative and affiliative management styles, the integration of the school disciplinary framework into the classroom setting will provide a challenge.

To overcome the challenge of inadequacy feelings, I will practice persistence in my management initiatives. This will serve to boost my confidence in the classroom setting. I will also identify my priorities concerning the classroom and align my initiatives towards the achievement of these priorities. Essentially, I will influence the children’s decisions towards the priorities to improve the outcomes of their learning processes. I will need to clearly define what that is and the initiatives I forbid in my classroom setting (Kizlik, 2016). Even though there are general principles that serve the role of influencing teacher actions in the learning process, I will need to determine the most applicable principles. Upon the determination of this factor, I will shelve the principles that fail to effectively address my classroom setting. For instance, I will show and tell my students what I expect of them. Their conduct in the classroom should be aligned towards the guiding principles that I will have determined for them. This involves the setting of behavior standards in the classroom. To ensure that the students are well versed in these principles, I will communicate my expectations to the students repeatedly (Kizlik, 2016). I will post these rules in the classroom and enforce them when the students disobey the rules. Furthermore, I will engage a classroom seating arrangement that augments the need for cooperation (Finley, 2016). To manage student academic work and improve their performance, I will reinforce principles that encourage accountability in the students. To achieve this, I will engage a communication framework that is devoid of interruptions. The communication should further be specific and without ambiguity to prevent the exploitation of the loopholes in the instructions by the students.

I believe I have been prepared adequately to successfully integrate the learning materials into the daily experience of the students in the classroom setting. In the initial year, my observation skills, acquired from my learning experiences, will enable me to identify the specific needs of each student (Wong, Wong, Jondahl, & Ferguson, 2014). This will empower me to extend the most appropriate intervention in the subject students which would, in turn, improve the student’s performances. I have further been empowered to promote the employ of consequences. I have the ability to reinforce intrinsic interest which results in positive consequences. Essentially, constant disciplining does not always lead to favorable academic performances (Kizlik, 2016). There is a need for the determination of the preferences and learning affinity of each student. Given my affiliative management style, I will be able to determine the skills and learning requirements of each student which empowers me to further the results sustained from their learning initiatives. The management lessons explored in the learning course will empower me to determine the appropriate management styles to engage in different classroom settings over time. [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

In conclusion, the classroom setting demands different management inputs. To enhance my classroom initiatives, I will engage the participative, affiliative, and coaching management frameworks. The participative framework encourages the need for cooperation among the students. The affiliative management framework reinforces student’s freedom to undertake the actions that augment their academic performances. The coaching framework reinforces the need for the development of each student in the classroom setting.  However, there are several challenges to be borne in a classroom setting. These include indiscipline, negative attitudes by students towards their learning initiatives and the miscommunication which hampers the efficiency of instructions. However, I have been succinctly prepared by the management courses I undertook to address these prevailing issues in the classroom setting.[Click Essay Writer to order your essay]


Finley, T. (2016, April 5). 19 Big and small classroom management strategies.

Kizlik, B. (2016, February 14). Education information for new and future teachers.

Wong, H. K., Wong, M. T., Jondahl, S. F., & Ferguson, O. F. (2014). The Classroom Management Book. CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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