College Essay Examples

Editor’s Guide to Creating Your Online Portfolio

The world is slowly migrating to the digital world and making your own portfolio is also included in this trend. The traditional paper forms have now been translated into online ones by making your own website that becomes an online portfolio you can present for work and employment opportunities. It allows you to apply for projects and meet new clients without having to bring wit you a bulky profile in your bag. It is accessible and you can make it as unique as possible. What’s more, you can include content that other means won’t allow you to. Creating your own portfolio may sound easy but it is delicate because it is a direct reflection of who you are as a professional. Here is an editor’s take on how you should create your online portfolio. 

Showcase Your Work

The most obvious thing you should put in there is your work. Tell stories about your key projects and provide as many details and pictures which recount the success of your work and the factors that contributed to it. You can showcase projects from different platforms and add other forms of media which include videos, and audio clipping. A more diverse output can entice more clients as it attests to your versatility and expertise. Make the voice you use in the narration of your content should be a reflection f what makes you unique so take note of this when writing your bio and recounting other personal details. Demonstrate your thinking style by highlighting the decisions you have made behind the details of your projects and assignments. This will give your possible clients hints of how you manage work.

Curate the Content

Choose the content you put in your portfolio wisely. This means that you should only curate the highlights that give a positive impression to all its future viewers. Keep good records so you don’t have to hide any bad project which can be a cause of problems later. One of the most important things you should do is to proofread everything. Even the small details can be improved by using software that can go through everything you write. The features also include artificial intelligence that checks errors similar to the one used in the Punctuation checker by Grammarlookup to make sure that the writing is exceptional and error-free. You can use similar apps not just in creating your portfolio but in your future projects as well.  

A Portfolio with a Personality

Portfolios have traditionally been made with the utmost professionalism that some people do not like to add a bit of personality to the online portfolio they create as a way of keeping the tradition. Add a more candid of yourself if possible. Make your portfolio mirror who you are.


This task can be daunting at first but once you are able to launch your portfolio live, you can already have an opportunity to connect to more clients. This is where you put all of your work. It is more than just a reference but the collection that sums up your professional background and your potential for more.

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