College Essay Examples


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This study set out to analyze the effectiveness of technologies that play roles in decreasing the frequency of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI). Health care professionals are often to blame for many of the occurrences of CAUTI, but advancements in antiseptics and antimicrobials are decreasing the chances of a person developing the infection. This study takes the position that the most effective way to improve the outcomes of many patients is to ensure the health care professionals are highly trained in the nuances of the technological advancements. Professionals need to ensure they are well-trained in the practices and new technologies in the field. After reviewing four studies on the topic,
informatics are not believed to be more effective than nurse-led interventions. Furthermore, there is an apparent need for an established procedure of catheter removal in many hospitals. Finally, measures such as “biocompatible” catheter materials and innately bacteria-resistant materials could significantly limit the cases of CAUTI.

Rapidly changing technology has a major influence on health care delivery. A particular area where extreme progress is being made is in the catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI). These infections occur because the urethral catheters inoculate organisms seep into the bladder and colonize by eliminating a thin surface that is used for bacterial adhesion. This causes mucosal irritation. In fact, the existence of a urinary catheter is the most significant risk associated with bacteriuria, (Brusch, 2013). This paper will provide an overview of much of the progress that is being made to eliminate CAUTI. Like most technological progress in health care, advances in CAUTI are aimed at reducing human error. Much of the focus is on the duration of catheter use and disinfection procedures. The infections are typically not due to negligence of the health care professionals, but because of the inevitability of human error. Many of the advances help hide the fact that the catheters that are used in many of the procedures are non-organic. This can help improve the outcome for many of the procedures by greatly reducing the frequency of CAUTI, and much of this progress will be made through the use of advanced antiseptics and antimicrobials. In order to accurately gauge which advances are likely to improve outcomes, and which are not effective, a full analysis of the various procedures is needed. This study will critique those that appear to be poised to make the most impact and those that will likely not be as effective at improving outcomes. Some of the most advanced technology is soon going to make a major difference in relation to “biocompatible” catheter materials, and this will greatly reduce the number of CAUTI cases.

After analyzing the studies, it has become obvious that some methods of reducing the cases of CAUTI are more effective than others. Ultimately, the technology is available with which hospitals can better ensure there is a decrease in the urinary tract infections. However, many of these hospitals are not utilizing these methods effectively. In order to overcome this gap, hospitals need to invest in the best equipment possible, such as the “biocompatible” catheter materials, to ensure the best outcomes. Moreover, it is vital for the health care professionals to be trained to become experts at utilizing this equipment and other technology like it. Once this accomplished the frequency of CAUTI will significantly decrease.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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