College Essay Examples

Persuasive Report: Adopting Social Media Platform



Our business has been operational for quite some time now. It has come to our attention that we have to adopt social media platforms to elevate our business to other competitive levels. And we have concluded that the best way to do this is to give room for new and innovative concepts concerning social media platforms that we can put in place to reach out to more of our company’s customers and those willing to invest with us. As a result of this, we have decided to our board of directors requesting them to allow us as junior staff members to do more research on social media and come up with the best ideas on which platform we will dwell on as a company to achieve our objectives or goals as we have found out several advantages of social media that are appropriate to apply in our business. And these are some of them.

Social media will increase our brand awareness

When it comes to reaching new and highly targeted clients, most of the realm’s populace is on social media podiums like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. We’ve long assumed that social media is a place where individuals engage with businesses they already know. According to 83 percent of Instagram, the network is a great place to find new items. It is expected that the company’s ad recall would rise 17 points if we execute an advertising campaign on Facebook (Hasan & Teng & Shams, 2021).

Humanize our Brand

To build genuine relationships with actual people, Our Company will profit greatly from social media’s ability to connect with customers in real-time. Showing how our current customers are utilizing and profiting from our goods and introducing our audience to the individuals that make up our organization. Authenticity is the best way to create a relationship. Building marketing receptivity and attracting new clients are both made easier when people feel secure in their relationships. As a result, social media serves as the perfect location to get real by displaying how we adopt the brand values and how our product functions in real life (Elena, 2018).

Establishing our Trademark as a Thought Front-runner

According to Edelman’s 2021 trust gauge, trust in business is at 61 percent, despite recent skepticism in government, non-profits, and the media. Social media is the best platform for companies to share their ideas and information with their customers. No matter what field we operate in, social media can help us position ourselves as thought leaders—the go-to source for knowledge on relevant issues. To develop our thought leadership, we should concentrate on LinkedIn, especially the LinkedIn Publishing Platform. (Knight, M., 2019).

It will enable us to stay on Top of Minds

It’s estimated that 72% of social media operators check their versions a minimum of once a day, while 49% confess to checking social many times a day, according to Pew Research Center’s 2021 research. We’ll keep in touch with our fans and followers whenever they log on to social media. As a result of our social media postings being amusing and educational, our fans will be happy to see our new material in their feeds, which will keep us at the front of their minds when they’re ready to buy. However, this does not need us constantly checking our accounts. Hootsuite, a scheduling tool, will help us prepare our social media material in advance to publish it as soon as possible (Silvia, 2019).


Conclusively, our company’s marketing approach will include a large portion of social media. We will be able to communicate with our consumers, raise brand recognition, and improve leads and sales by using a social network because we believe and know that 52% of social media marketers strongly feel that social media has a positive impact on their company’s sales and income. Our business will gear a positive improvement and compete more effectively with other related companies by incorporating all these.



Elena-Iulia, V. (2018). THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCİAL MEDİA. Annals Constantin Brancusi’University of Targu-Jiu. Economy Series, (6).

Hasan, R., Teng, Y., & Shams, S. R. (2021). The Impact of Social Media on Business Model Innovation: Importance of Key Opinion Leader, User-Generated Contents, and Interactivity of the Network Community. In Business Model Innovation (pp. 11-27). Routledge.

Knight, M. (2019). Teaching Responsible Social Media Practices in Business and Professional Communication: The Importance of LinkedIn.

Silvia, S. (2019). The Importance of Social Media and Digital Marketing to Attract Millennials’ Behavior as a Consumer. Marketing4(2).

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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