College Essay Examples


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African Governance in the Pre and Post-Colonial Eras
Governance systems in the African continent have changed over time through the colonial period. Colonialism refers to the act of establishing control over individuals occupying a specific territory, which is under a different hegemony, with the aim of exploiting the resources available for economic gain. The 19th century was marked by increasing tendencies towards colonialism. European countries moved to colonize countries in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. For instance, the French established control over Ivory Coast while the Dutch colonized South Africa. European colonialism had a great influence on the present governance practices engaged in countries that were previously European colonies. [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

Before colonialism, the concept of democracy had not permeated the fabric of the African communities (Kummer, 1996). Before the French invasion, Ivorian communities practiced leadership, which was based on inheritance. Essentially, leadership was transmitted from one relative to the other. Leaders were therefore not elected, as is the case currently. They either assumed power through appointment or courtesy of their kinship to the ruling king. Among the Zulu in South Africa, before colonialism, the king appointed those that would help him run the kingdom. These officials were appointed rather than elected. However, in present day South Africa and Ivory Coast, public officials are elected into their positions through a voting system. This is a consequence of the influences of Dutch and French leadership systems. The voting system is based on the concept of the majority. Likewise, pre-colonial African communities were largely decentralized. The centralized systems of governments seen in present day South Africa and Ivory Coast are a culmination of the political influences of colonialism (Sesay, 2014). Both the French and the Dutch practiced a system of governance that was centralized. Power over decisions that influenced the entire country was relegated to the hands of a few representatives who comprised the administrative body. [“Write my essay for me?” Get help here.]


Kummer, P. K. (1996). Cote D’Ivoire. New York: Children’s Press. Retrieved August 14, 2016
Sesay, A. (2014). African Governance Systems in the Pre and Post-Independence Periods: Enduring

Lessons and Opportunities for Youth in Africa. MINDS, 1-31. Retrieved August 14, 2016 < Click Essay Writer to order your essay >

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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