College Essay Examples

Strategic Planning for Stroke: Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements


Strategic Planning for Stroke: Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements

Strategic planning is one of the significant aspects of every organization’s leadership. It is usually the role of the manager or the leaders to lay effective and practical plans and strategies that shall guide and propel the organization towards the path of success. Effective planning allows organizations to attain their formulated plans and set goals where teams function more effectively. Healthcare as an industry deems formulation of effective and practical strategies encompassing quality care delivery and enhancing health. Chronic illnesses such as stroke are among the conditions that mostly call for comprehensive planning and laying strategies in the plan of care. The defined strategies and plans must align with other healthcare practices such as evidence-based practice to support effective health care delivery. 

Stroke has been and remains a global health challenge. It is significantly likely to increase soon due to demographic changes such as changes in age structure and transitions in developing countries (Feigin et al., 2016). Insights from Feigin and colleagues establish that stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Studies by the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) ascertained that despite the mortality rate due to stroke having reduced, globally in the period between 1990 to 2013, the total number of patients bothered by the comorbidity had increased, thus increasing the burden of care. 

Such a phenomenon corners healthcare facilities to formulate practical and applicable plans and strategies that shall help counter and curb the wrath of disorder. Therefore, a practical strategic planning model will align with the SWOT analyses. The study shall assess the model’s relevance in respect to the goals and outcomes of the healthcare facility (mission, vision, and values) and its implications in the context of ethics, culture, technology utilization, and applicable health policies. A reflection of applicable leadership and healthcare theories that blend with the goals and strategies and the leadership skillsets that deemed to be enforced in attaining the goals is essential. 

Strategies to Manage and Counter the Prevalence of Stroke

Globally, different nations formulated different strategies to counter the condition. Each nation formulation its strategies in line with their healthcare facilities, the people’s demographic setups, and their income endowments (Pandian et al., 2017). For instance, India established that local doctors should be updated regarding the functional stroke units to refer patients on time. Pakistan and Iran held that paramedics should be well trained, ambulances to be readily stationed with a medical practitioner, nurse, and paramedic while responding to a stroke case. In Brazil, neurological evaluations should be done in CT scan rooms, and tertiary care should be established for stroke. These strategies aimed to enhance stroke recovery and combat the number of patients that succumb to the comorbidity (Pandian et al., 2017). With these prospects, the simulation model would be more practical in healthcare which would hold strategies to regulate stroke. 

Simulation Model of Strategizing

The simulation model is comprehensive in healthcare since it helps integrate human-oriented and infrastructure-oriented variables in complex care and explore decision-making scenarios from different stakeholders in medical care. The model is practical since it incorporates patient arrival rates, flows, and occupancies of stroke facets subjected to substantial variations due to the type of patients and their complexity, eligibility for ESD, and the pressure from other hospital wards (Monks et al., 2016). The model fits best with the stroke healthcare program since it identifies missing healthcare gaps and is attended to significantly. In the question of stroke, the model is practical since it shall help match patients’ healthcare needs with the best healthcare facilities and attendants. Here, care providers are exposed to realistic clinical challenges using task trainers and enforcers, virtual reality, and other hybrid forms of sense drive (Richard, 2017). 

The model also aligns with both the healthcare facility’s short- and long-term goals in stroke treatment. The short-term goal of this healthcare model attains linking the healthcare facility with a popular medical insurer since it shall allow patients from the localities around the facility to access medical care. The long-term goal of the model is to subsidize the cost of stroke medical care, making it affordable for all and constraining the fast-paced spread of the condition to nearly zero percent in ten years. These goals also align with the facility’s mission since it advocates protecting, preserving, and promoting life through better health care. 

Justification for this Model 

As highlighted previously in the SWOT analyses, the healthcare facility is affected by some weaknesses that challenge its abilities to render cancer healthcare. These challenges included suboptimal remuneration for staff since the facility commenced offering healthcare services. The facility was bothered by high financial costs tagged along with costly medical equipment and remote evacuation services. The evacuations were done using helicopters. The healthcare facility had also not yet established a relationship with popular medical insurance covers, a phenomenon that held back patients from seeking medical attention from the facility. This scenario may have surfaced due to information gaps in the facility since no medical or nursing students were involved in research in the facility. The simulation model of strategizing would solve this set of limitations. Prevalence of cardiovascular-related comorbidities can be incorporated in the simulation model of strategizing as well.

Analyses of the Model

Strategic Planning for Stroke: Achieving Specific Health Care Quality and Safety Improvements

The model incorporates an ethical consideration in meeting its goals since it incorporates some ethical implications in care. The model embarks on transparency where patients should be counseled regarding all the factors that matter in their course of treatment. Confidentiality and compassion are also virtues housed within the model where patients’ confidentiality is ascertained. Patients are morally and emotionally harnessed, a significant virtue in healthcare and recovery. The virtue of ethics is also reflected where the model advocates patients to be matched with the best care routine. Stroke patients deem a level of comprehensive care for effective recovery. 

The model also incorporates cultural aspects while formulating the healthcare goals since it does not discriminate against the persons who need medical attention. The model calls for team collaboration where care providers should team together while attending to a patient. Team collaboration not only helps in promoting better and advanced healthcare but also helps in strengthening organizational culture. Solid organizational culture is among the factors spearheading better healthcare delivery. The simulation mechanisms call for comprehensive technological expertise that helps manage and govern healthcare systems. Suggestions by Herrgårdh et al. (2021) establish that the simulation model through technology gives room for new approaches such as neuroimaging, which is essential in stroke management.

Why the Simulation Model of Strategizing?

The model is significant and viable compared to other models since it incorporates various aspects that other models would not reflect on. The model is practical since it would integrate with the national health insurance model to bridge the lack of popular medical insurance providers. The national health insurance model is a universal health insurance coverage run by private providers but benefits the public since the governments cover the citizens whom pay for the program (Cuadrado et al., 2019). The integration of these two models would be significant since patients who could not access healthcare due to cost issues are now included. These models will make it possible to attain the goal of affordable healthcare. The Bismarck model is a significant healthcare model alternatively referred to as the social health insurance model. It holds that people pay a fee to a fund that caters to their healthcare activities (Hoctor, 2021). The fund applies to employees in both the private and public sectors. However, it is limited since it is affected by financial discrimination where the poor and novice in the society are underinsured since their contribution to the program is negligible (Hoctor, 2021). The cover is also inapplicable with the expensive healthcare conditions examples of chronic conditions such as stroke.  

Leadership and Healthcare Theories that will Help attain the Goals.

The beauty of formulating a goal is in attaining it. Affordable healthcare is the goal of every nation though some underlying factors limit it. The inability of the facility to link with a popular insurance provider make it difficult for patients to access care. Thus, the goal of linking the facility with a comprehensive medical insurance provider aligns with the theory suggested by the national health insurance, where every person should access healthcare by being insured to a medical insurance program. To attain this, it would call for confidence and communication in an excellent leader to negotiate best offers and terms with the medical cover’s insurance providers. Shrinking the cost of care attributed to stroke would help encourage more people to seek medical attention, unlike when it was high. This would call for the negotiation of incentives that would make the government have people’s interests at heart.

           Moreover, as a charismatic leader, I would encourage and persuade the medical care providers to direct their efforts towards controlling the escalating stroke cases. This can be attained through training programs where care providers can be counseled on the various ways to control the condition and, through expositions, pass the knowledge to the public. Also, through public health initiatives, the facility can hold free screening programs that would help screen for factors that would contribute to stroke acceleration. For instance, the population should be counseled on how smoking accelerates stroke threats. These programs would be undertaken to reduce stroke cases significantly from the current rate to almost zero in ten years. 


Stroke is a major health hazard, threatening mortality and mobility, thereby calling for strategies to handle and manage it effectively. The simulation model of strategizing in healthcare blends well with stroke chronic illness care since it helps formulate attainable goals. Finding popular medical insurers, shrinking the cost of care, and stroke cases being the goals, they blend with the model. The strategy considered ethical, technological, and cultural implications while consolidating the goals. Similarly, the model also coincided with other healthcare models such as the national health insurance model and the charismatic leadership theory in implementation.



Cuadrado, C., Crispi, F., Libuy, M., Marchildon, G., & Cid, C. (2019). National health insurance: A conceptual framework from conflicting typologies. Health Policy123(7), 621-629.

Feigin, V. L., Norrving, B., George, M. G., Foltz, J. L., Roth, G. A., & Mensah, G. A. (2016). Prevention of stroke: A strategic global imperative. Nature Reviews Neurology12(9), 501-512.

Herrgårdh, T., Madai, V. I., Kelleher, J. D., Magnusson, R., Gustafsson, M., Milani, L., Gennemark, P., & Cedersund, G. (2021). Hybrid modelling for stroke care: Review and suggestions of new approaches for risk assessment and simulation of scenarios. NeuroImage: Clinical31, 102694.

Hoctor, T. (2021). Beveridge or Bismarck? Choosing the nordic model in British healthcare policy 1997–c.2015. The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images, 209-228.

Monks, T., Worthington, D., Allen, M., Pitt, M., Stein, K., & James, M. A. (2016). A modelling tool for capacity planning in acute and community stroke services. BMC Health Services Research16(1).

Pandian, J. D., William, A. G., Kate, M. P., Norrving, B., Mensah, G. A., Davis, S., Roth, G. A., Thrift, A. G., Kengne, A. P., Kissela, B. M., Yu, C., Kim, D., Rojas-Rueda, D., Tirschwell, D. L., Abd-Allah, F., Gankpé, F., DeVeber, G., Hankey, G. J., Jonas, J. B., … Feigin, V. L. (2017). Strategies to improve stroke care services in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Neuroepidemiology49(1-2), 45-61.

Richard K. (2017). Health care simulation to advance safety. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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