College Essay Examples

Definitions of Strategic Leadership


The concept or strategic leadership and its implementation in a organization is paramount. Strategic leadership entails a process where an individual focuses on the development of strategies that result in the long-term and short-term goal attainment. This paper will primarily focus on comparison and contrasting of three specific definitions of strategic leadership from the viewpoint of three different scholars; one who define it as the ability to increase work value through better structures, while another defines it in terms of any external relationships affecting structural stability. In our evaluation of the differences and similarities between these definitions, we aim to determine which of the presented ones is the most accurate description in contrast to the others. or, if at all, we can combine aspects of each definition to formulate a new unique take on strategic leadership.  We also plan on delving into our adopted definition and the circumstances under which it is applicable in a work setting.

Annotated Bibliography

Tipurić, D. (2022). The enactment of strategic leadership: a critical perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.

Tipurić provides a definition of strategic leadership that implies the need for adaptability to produce results in an environment where things change on almost daily basis. The author emphasizes that among the critical thinking and progressive planning of decision-making there must be certain internal and external factors. This in turn means that leaders should know the strong and weak points of their organizations as well external factors affecting overall achievement. One analyst uses a critical approach to decision-making, saying that leaders should be able to analyze the risks and opportunities of an existing organization in order for it to function correctly. Tipurič also highlights the element of communication and collaboration in strategic leadership. In other words, leaders’ effectiveness in communicating their visions and goals to all stakeholders and the ability to work with them toward implementing those visions or goals is enhanced. Tipurić’s definition gives an innovative view on strategic leadership. The book is very professional, given that it was written by an author with much experience in the field and published by one if not all, reliable publishing companies. Strategic leadership is a critical mindset; those interested can take advantage of it in diverse work areas.

Patterson, A. (2020). Leader Evolution. Leader Evolution: From Technical Expertise to Strategic Leadership.


As defined by Patterson, strategic leadership aims to guide an organization toward its goals and objectives by crafting and implementing sound strategies. The author highlights the need to move away from technical competence and towards broader strategic awareness, meaning thinking about the bigger picture and ensuring that goals are aligned throughout the firm. This means that the leaders should be able to plan strategically in order to develop long-term plans for which an organization can achieve its goals. Patterson also stresses that a shared vision is necessary, which only means goals and objectives are similar within the organization as well everybody agrees with such an approach. This promotes coordination and interaction on all levels, an essential factor in the implementation plan.

Reedy, P. (2021). Strategic leadership in digital evidence: what executives need to know. Elsevier.


In their definition of strategic leadership, Reedy emphasizes digital evidence that leads to achieving organizational goals and objectives. The author highlights the necessity to clearly understand digital evidence and its potential threats to an organization. This implies that leaders must be able to use data and technology to develop strategies that guide the organization toward victory. Reedy also emphasizes teamwork and cooperation in strategic leadership. This implies that leaders must articulate their vision and objectives adequately for all stakeholders, working in concert with them to achieve those goals. This fosters a collaborative and innovative culture within the organization. The emphasis on the significance of digital evidence in strategic leadership implies that leaders must transform themselves to new technology and use data and other technological advances to achieve organizational agenda.

Evaluation of Definitions

All three definitions of strategic leadership have at least one concept in common: formulation and implementation of effective strategies toward organizational goals. In addition, collaboration, communication, and a shared vision are also emphasized as significant components of strategic leadership. All the authors represent different approaches to some issues of strategic leadership. Tipurić’s definition highlights the critical view and considers internal and external aspects and a more active decision-making stance. Patterson’s definition centres on transitioning from technical competence to strategy leadership that demands a broader and more strategic approach. In contrast, Reedy’s definition emphasizes the role of digital evidence within strategic leadership that uses data and technology to realize organizational goals. Such perception variations are beneficial because they give a broader view of the strategic leader. From a critical perspective, by moving away from technical expertise and integrating elements such as digital evidence, leaders can successfully adopt an improved method of strategic leadership. Successful strategic leadership involves integrating these approaches to formulate and implement strategies that ensure the organization grows toward success.


While all three excellences of strategic leadership describe various similarities, they also offer distinctive and much-needed insights into the concept. In constructing our definition of strategic leadership, we can use all three definitions, noting the importance of sustaining a critical perspective in adopting an approach based on shifting from technical competence to emerging as leaders regarding digital evidence. In our definition, we would focus on consulting strategies that work and help form a shared vision while using digital proofs of operational goals and objectives. This definition could be used in an organizational environment by fostering a collaborative and communicative culture across the organization, linking goals with objectives based on constantly changing abilities.


Leadership. Reedy, P. (2021). Strategic leadership in digital evidence : what executives need to know. Elsevier.

Patterson, A. (2020). Leader Evolution. Leader Evolution: From Technical Expertise to Strategic

Tipurić, D. (2022). The enactment of strategic leadership : a critical perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.


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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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