College Essay Examples

Uncomplicated UTI in Family Care

Uncomplicated UTI in Family Care

Women are at higher risk of contracting urinary contract infection (UTI) in the health sector. To combat the challenge, several mitigative measures have been adopted to treat and protect them from the infection with some issues revolving about a model that would be most favorable in their support. The prescriptions made in the process are feared to have adverse effects and the procedure would most likely involve a careful consideration that incorporates the ideas of both the affected and practitioners (Vincent et al., 2021). The risks associated with the antibiotics are great and patients are believed to develop reluctance towards their usages. Shared decision and consultation are a preferred mechanism that would most likely assist in the long run whenever the medics would want to help women out of the challenge without harming them openly or in kept reservations (Vincent et al., 2021). Considering the weight of the matter and the stakes involved, family care for uncomplicated urinary tract infection is an important matter that should rope the concern of every affected stakeholder. 

Universally, UTI is one of the leading cases reported by women in different health facilities. The treatment and care for the condition have always been aimed at reducing the symptoms with much information about the infection still lacking (Vincent et al., 2021). The complexities associated with the infection across the globe has raised response from various groups that all aim to find a solution in antibiotics besides dissenting opinions raised by the affected people. The match between the pathogen reaction and the antibiotic administered makes the treatment differ from one nation to the other in the war against the viral infection. Moreover, the use of antibiotics is questioned from every corner with vital information missing on the accuracy of their usage (Al-Sayyed et al., 2019). Discussions convened between physicians and patients to determine the modalities of treatments that include a time frame for the antibiotic administration are some of the steps that are effective in preventing the risks associated with the treatment of UTI.

I would recommend and adopt the proposal in my clinical practice due to the flexibility that it introduces in the health department. It is important to listen to the patients who seek help before taking steps that may be impactful in different ways to their lives. Illustratively, the infection requires a path that is keen on consultation and agreement to facilitate embraced recovery. Women have greater say on matters that affect them and the use of any method and procedure of treatment should not bypass their input. Additionally, the reactions observed upon administration of any drug should be made open to allow approval for intake from the patient targeted as a means of ensuring safety. The decision-making plan thus becomes effective in a medical setup for UTI treatment. 



Al-Sayyed, B., Le, J., Al-Tabbaa, M. M., Barnacle, B., Ren, J., Tapping, R., & Aiyer, M. (2019). Uncomplicated urinary tract infection in ambulatory primary care pediatrics: are we using antibiotics appropriately? The Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics24(1), 39-44.

Vincent, Y. M., Frachon, A., Buffeteau, C., & Conort, G. (2021). Construction of a patient decision aid for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection in primary care. BMC Family Practice22(1), 1-11.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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