College Essay Examples

Speech on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Interpersonal Conflict

Welcome to this informative session. It is my pleasure to present to you details of the malignant issue of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a mental health disorder that results from experiencing terrifying incidences. This mental health disaster is largely neglected despite affecting victims of war, domestic violence, and other horrifying incidences. Learning about it is important, both for the welfare of self and others. Today, we shall explore its causes and the approved methods of treatment. 

Causes of PTSD

Various and numerous events are known to trigger post-traumatic stress disorder. In contemporary society, people of all ages are undergoing different provocative events, which result in adverse mental health. Amongst the main causes is domestic violence (Bower, 2019). Turbulent relationships whose issues escalate to violence top the list of causes of PTSD amongst both children and women. In heterosexual relationships, women are mainly the victims of traumatizing physical attacks. Also, children who grow up in families with abusive parents may develop the same. In their case, sexual assault, excessive physical attacks, and emotional neglect are the primary triggers. 

Incidences of war and natural calamities also trigger mental health conditions. War is a leading cause of mental health disorders. Both the trailblazers and bystanders are victims of the horrors of war. For example, soldiers experience the brutal deaths of their colleagues, lethal shots, and loud weapon blasts (Dietrich, 2019). Civilians also experience the death of loved ones and property vitalization, amongst other horrifying occurrences. 

Despite their mental fortitude, it is difficult for both soldiers and civilians to come to terms with such hurtful events. For this reason, falling victim to PTSD after such events is a common occurrence. For example, the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria is causing mental health disorders amongst both the warring groups and the citizens (Dietrich, 2019). This effect is evidenced by the numerous reported cases of suicide and people running away to be refugees in neighboring countries in their quest to avoid the horrors of the war. 

A similar fate happens to people who find themselves in the hotspots of natural disasters. Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and mudslides destroy both lives and property, thereby triggering disorder amongst victims. 

Existing Interventions

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Now that we have explored the causes, it is also important to explore the available methods of treatment. Of importance to note is that some methods have a higher level of effectiveness than others. The main contingent factor is the extent of the condition in the patient. 

To begin with, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered amongst the most effective interventions. Medical practitioners recommend it for both the short and long-term. Its efficacy stems from the focus on the mental condition of the affected individuals (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018). Addressing the root problem enables the therapists to map, understand, and manipulate the patient’s thinking patterns with the deserved amounts of energy. It also encourages the patients’ active participation. 

Another viable method of treatment is through medication. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other approved drugs are commonly used to address the condition and its associated issues (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2018).  For example, the drugs may be used to uplift the mood of the victim. Despite its effectiveness, medication is not encouraged, owing to its short-term orientation. However, a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication is favorable, since it addresses both the short and long-term aspects of the recovery process.


As we have seen, PTSD is a common mental illness, owing to the widespread presence of its triggers. Whether in war-torn areas, violent families, or natural disaster hotspots, everyone is vulnerable to the condition. It is upon each individual to internalize its details for the sake of both yourself and the people around you. 


Bower, B. (2019, August 8). Why war’s emotional wounds cause PTSD in some kids and not others. Retrieved from 

Dietrich, H., Al Ali, R., Tagay, S., Hebebrand, J., & Reissner, V. (2019). Screening forpost-traumatic stress disorder in young adult refugees from Syria and Iraq. Comprehensive psychiatry, 90, 73-81.

Mayo Clinic Staff (2018, July 6) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Retrieved from 

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