College Essay Examples


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Assignment # 1

One of the problems, when a person is victimized via interpersonal violence, is the belief that they “deserve it”. This attitude was examined by the Stefansson, Nordström, Runeson, Åsberg, and Jokinen(2015) study which showed that long-term exposure to interpersonal violence could have an adverse impact on an individual’s sense of personal worth. They develop low self-esteem and attempt to justify what is happening to them through aberrant logic which results in a conclusion that many would perceive as being nonsense yet is thought of as correct by the victim (i.e. that their current situation is justified given their incapability to prevent the violence from reoccurring) (Stefansson, Nordström, Runeson, Åsberg, & Jokinen, 2015). [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

Aside from this, victims of repeated interpersonal violence often feel socially isolated since they are unwilling to talk with their friends, family or peers regarding their current situation due to the potential shame of being perceived as being weak. As a result, the combination of low self-esteem, the belief that they “deserve” what is happening to them, and a lack of sufficient social support to help mitigate the adverse effects of what they are experiencing could result in the victim developing a severe case of depression (Vieira, 2015). Taking these factors into consideration, the viewpoint of the victim from the case study can now be constructed.

The Victim’s Perspective
From the victim’s perspective, they feel isolated since they cannot talk to any of their close friends or relatives about the level of interpersonal violence they are experiencing. It has taken a toll on their physical and psychological well-being given the amount of stress that they are going through and, as such, they are desperate for some way in which they can let their feelings out. They decide that they need to talk to someone, but it should not be an individual that they know personally. As such, they go to the nearest hospital and feign being ill so that they can talk to a nurse regarding their current situation and maybe find some form of assistance regarding the situation that they are going through. [Click Essay Writer to order your essay]

Intervention, in this case, would focus on resolving the psychological and physical issues that the victim is currently experiencing. The first step would be to address how the victim perceives their current state of being after being subjected to interpersonal violence. As mentioned in the initial section of this report, a victim can often develop feelings of low self-esteem, aberrant thinking and the belief that they deserve what they get. A nurse practitioner would need to break them out of this thought process by easing them into the mentality that what they are being subjected to is wrong and that there are avenues that they can take to resolve the problem.

Victims of interpersonal violence often experience a sense of being trapped and believe that there is nothing they can do about their current situation. This is far from true since there are numerous social and legal methods that can be utilized to resolve such a problem. All the victim needs to do is gain a sufficient level of awareness regarding what steps they should take to stop the problem from reoccurring. The next phase is helping them with their depression which is due to the physical and psychological abuse that can come from being a victim of interpersonal violence.

Resolving this issue can take time and would need the assistance of a psychiatrist that specializes in cases where people have been the recipients of abuse. What a nursing practitioner can do in the meantime is to explain to the victim that showing other people their vulnerable side by telling them about the interpersonal violence they are subject to is perfectly fine. The nurse needs to explain that showing weakness is a much better alternative than experiencing constant abuse, and this would help them gain additional assistance in preventing the abuse from happening again in the future.

Educating Victims
Aside from all of these actions, it would also be necessary to educate the patient regarding their current circumstance and help them understand that they are not alone. One of the potential methods is by helping them understand the impact that interpersonal violence would have in the long term. Websites like would be an excellent resource for them to know why interpersonal violence occurs, how it can adversely impact a person’s life and what can be done to prevent it in the future.

Aside from this, other possible resources that they can get assistance from would be local support groups that focus specifically in aiding people that have been negatively affected by interpersonal violence. This would help them get to know other victims and understand their own situation better as a direct result.

Addressing the Physical Violence Experience
Lastly, it would also be necessary to address the physical aspect of the interpersonal violence that the victim is experiencing. While the nurse cannot directly confront the person that is responsible for the incident, a police report can be filed with an attached medical report as evidence for the level of physical harm that the victim is currently experiencing. By creating a record with the police, this helps to create a sufficient precedent for future intervention if the violence continues to occur.

Following Up with the Patient
Ascertaining whether a patient is safe from the interpersonal violence that they were subject to does not need to be complicated given the wide variety of potential avenues of communication that are available. For example, before the patient checks out, the nurse can ask them to add him or her as a friend on Facebook or Twitter. Through the use of social media, the nurse can regularly check up on the patient by looking through their social media feed or by communicating with them via the messenger system. This process is the best choice for an unobtrusive view into the daily if not weekly activity of the patient and allows the nurse to detect if something is amiss such as posts that suddenly seem focused on depressing topics or if they see injuries in the photos that the patient uploads online.


Another method would be to get the mobile number of the patient and call them on a bi-weekly basis. This process allows the nurse to talk to the patient and determine if the problem they have been experiencing has somewhat abated or has been completely resolved. Calling the patient over their mobile number also has a beneficial psychological effect since it would show to the patient that someone does care for their well-being and that they do not have to go through their current experience alone.

Conducting a home visit is not recommended given the time and distance constraints since some people can live in areas that are not easily accessible. It should also be noted that the source of a person’s interpersonal violence could be in the home that they live in and, as such, making their attacker aware that their victim has told someone would result in even more violent attacks.

Dealing with Moral Distress
Nursing practitioners need to be proactive when it comes to dealing with moral distress if they feel that they cannot do anything to help or if their patient is later injured. You should not believe that there is little you can do to help the patient since there is always the option of contacting the police and having them take a look at the case.

Reference List
Stefansson, J., Nordström, P., Runeson, B., Åsberg, M., & Jokinen, J. (2015). Combining the       Suicide Intent Scale and the Karolinska Interpersonal Violence Scale in suicide risk           assessments. BMC Psychiatry15(1), 1-8.
Vieira, E. (2015). Family Communication Patterns, Sympathy, Perspective-Taking, and Girls’      Thoughts About Interpersonal Violence. Journal Of Family Violence30(5), 607-619.

Assignment # 2

Night Shift Team Leader

My responsibilities to the staff focuses on helping them do their jobs properly by creating the proper conditions, workload and teams to accomplish this (Allen & Dennis, 2010). The conflict, in this case, stems from how the two CNAs view the actions and initiative of the new CNA and perceive it as a threat to how they currently go about their tasks. However, there is also the potential that the CNAs enjoy working together and believe that adding a new CNA destroys their dynamic. The conflict, in this case, seems to be an interpersonal one since the two CNAs are likely against how the new hire makes them look in front of the other staff. One way of resolving this issue would be for the team leader to talk directly to the two CNAs and explain how their attitude towards the new CNA has been observed. By directly confronting them, this should help in making them at least act professionally to the new hire and take up their duties properly once more.

OR Activities
What is needed for this case is to immediately put a stop to the doctor’s actions; however, it must be done discreetly given the position of the physician and his influence within the hospital. As a nurse manager, it is my responsibility to ensure that my staff can work in a proper environment that is free from factors that would cause them harm or discomfort (Mortier, Vlerick, & Clays, 2016). As such, it is necessary for me to immediately resolve this situation involving the doctor. The driving force for action is ensuring that the nurse will no longer feel harassed or pressured while the restraining force is the potential fallout within the hospital should this case go public. One support system that the nursing manager can access is the HR department of the hospital who would take cases involving potential sexual harassment seriously (Mortier, Vlerick, & Clays, 2016). The organization has the responsibility to create a proper working environment for employees, and this includes ensuring that they do not feel harassed. As such, it should take immediate action against the doctor to prevent further cases from occurring.

Case Study Aftermath
Fortunately, I have not been a victim of workplace violence nor have I witnessed anything similar to it. The people I worked with in the past were great, and they treated each other like family. Some of the policies that protect workers in healthcare facilities are anti-harassment guidelines, and even penalties leveled against people that have been reported and found guilty. Some of the actions done by healthcare facilities to protect their employees are the implementation of specific policies against harassment and workplace violence that ensure that if a person is caught doing so, they could be terminated or even sued by the hospital.

Reference List
Allen, J., & Dennis, M. (2010). Leadership and accountability. Nursing Management – UK17(7), 28-29.

Mortier, A. V., Vlerick, P., & Clays, E. (2016). Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses: the mediating role of empathyJournal Of Nursing Management24(3), 357-365.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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