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This research will mainly assess the system safety and risk decisions that the SpaceX will make in its bid to colonize mars. Both primary and secondary data sources will be instrumental in the research process. To assess the safety systems and risk decisions, the research will evaluate and review the space transportation systems, environmental challenges, potential loss of human life and the cost overruns that may be exhibited during the endeavor. SpaceX’s plans in establishing a colony at Mars will be outlined and its overall success will be judged from the assessment of experiences, successes, failures and technologies used to ensure system safety and risk decision factors. After assessing and evaluating information collected for the research, this paper will categorize the risk factors and system safety to ensure that the bid to colonize Mars is successful. Following the synthesis of data from various reliable sources, the research will accurately determine whether colonizing Mars would be an achievable endeavor for the company and if the risks associated are acceptable.

Assessing the System Safety and Risk Decisions of Spacex’s Goal to Colonize Mars
Statement of the Project
This individual report will assess the system safety and risk decisions of SpaceX’s goal to colonize mars to demonstrate skills at the 11 program outcomes. The completion of this project is aimed at attaining a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics degree.
Most recently, Elon Musk, the founder, CTO and CEO of SpaceX announced how he was going to use a monster rocket to transport people to Mars. He revealed his plan to create a human colony in Mars in a bid to create a multi-planetary species in human. Such an endeavor has never been attempted, thus most of the procedures and activities undertaken are expected to be dangerous and potentially fatal for participants. As a result, system safety and risk decisions are at the core of the project and are imperative to the successful colonization of Mars. As a result, the project will mainly assess the system safety and risk decisions of SpaceX’s goal to colonize Mars.
Historically, none of the public corporations have attempted to colonize Mars yet there is an indication that it could support life. SpaceX’s attempts have been successful in the past especially since they have managed to create an interplanetary transport system that could transport at least 100 individuals to Mars. Therefore, the dream will eventually become real, and without doubt human will colonize Mars. Though people may jump to the opportunity to become legitimate heroes in history, the need to assess the dangers that they will face is vivid, thus it is only necessary that safety system and risk decisions are examined to determine some of the potential risks expected.
On top of determining the dangers that are expected from such a foreign endeavor, extensive research is paramount to determining the success of future voyages and attempts to colonize space. Such a research is expected to revolutionize the aerospace industry since it could result in empirical research supporting the development of system safety and risk decision and management. The assessment of the risk decisions and safety system could set the direction for future research and perfection of technology set in place to facilitate such endeavors. As a result, it is crucial to the development of the aviation industry.
As for the scope of the research, the paper will start with an in-depth review of SpaceX’s full plan to colonize Mars. Hence, after an intensive hazard analysis the inherent weaknesses and potential risks posed by the plan that have not been explored further to determine whether they could be solved. Also, any other reliable data available on issues relating to the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), environmental challenges and the potential loss of life will also be critically analyzed. Thus, the system safety and risk factors will be pointed out and examined to determine whether they could be solved. The main limitation to this research is the availability of information to the public domain since SpaceX is not readily willing to share all the information with its competitors.
While the research process is usually complicated, the most effective and obvious starting point is from the known. As a result, the development of the paper will mainly be based on SpaceX’s revelation of likely safety risks. Hence, a detailed literature review analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing data collected and used as a basis for further analysis to understand the safety system and risk decisions. The assessment will also apply the standards of the aviation industry and ensure compliance from the company. This assessment will determine the potential danger arising from the standards set. Consequently, the paper will finally assess the system safety and risk decisions associated with SpaceX’s goal to colonize Mars.
Program Outcomes to be Addressed
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking goes beyond a reciting of information researched. It involves the application of knowledge gained through research that develops a defined project in order to meet a specific outcome,” (ARAU, 2017, pp.13)
To demonstrate this PO, the research will involve an analysis of valid and reliable information that will form the basis of the discussion safety system and risk decisions involved. Thus information from various sources will be integrated and used to explain the issue at hand. Also, the learning objective will be demonstrated by the recommendation of the courses of action to be taken.
To successfully accomplish the PO objective the report will include information relating to the safety system and risk decision made by SpaceX, as well as the planning and management of hazards to colonize Mars.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Quantitative Reasoning
“Quantitative reasoning is the utilization and application of quantitative concepts and methods in solving real world problems,” (IRAU, 2017, pp.14).
This PO will be demonstrated by the logical and coherent introduction of data and information relevant to the assessment of system safety and risk decisions. It is also demonstrated in the analysis of data supporting the project.
Information required to be analyzed include relevant historical data, safety data, and legal stipulations. Not all the data collected or analyzed has to be numerical though
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Information Literacy
“There must be a valid and reliable relationship established between any topic of discussion and the material used to support that discussion. This material is comprised of identifiable ‘primary’ sources and supported ‘secondary’ sources in order to logically, effectively and concisely qualify a position on the topic,” (IRAU, 2017, pp.15).
This skill will be demonstrated by the effective use of peer reviewed research to assess system safety and risk decisions to help achieve the goal. Also, the information used will be reliable and valid for the project and the reporting will conform to APA guidelines.
Basically, the information used to support this discussion will be academic in nature and directly connected to the topic of study.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
“In this context, communication is the application of thought into cogent written and oral presentation. Communication is the requisite expression of thought that successfully supports positions on a selected project using the standards identified in the appropriate documents… and that successfully conveys those positions to the intended audience” (ARAU, 2017, pp.16)..
To demonstrate the PO the project will demonstrate an accurate and flawless presentation of arguments easily understandable by different people. In addition, the correct use of APA guidelines, grammatical preciseness, appropriate referencing and in-text citations will also demonstrate the PO.
The presentation of information in the capstone project will demonstrate the effective use of communication skills.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Scientific Literacy
“Scientific literacy is the application of critical thinking to the general scientific evidence that is used to support a project,” (ICAU, 2017, pp.18).
This PO objective is demonstrated through the identification and application of factors in aeronautical science as they relate to system safety and risk decisions in the colonization of Mars.
Starting from the insights suggested in SpaceX’s plan to set up a permanent settlement in Mars, academic and scientific information from various sources will be used as well.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database along with SpaceX’s database.
Cultural Literacy
“Cultural literacy is the knowledge, understanding, and application of history, contribution, and perspectives of differing cultural groups to a specific project or the impact in those cultural groups of the topics to a specific project,” (ICAU, 2017, pp.19).
To demonstrate an understanding of this PO objective, the paper will evaluate some of the past and current culture for trends in aviation safety as they relate to system safety and risk decisions of the endeavor.
The information used to demonstrate this PO is also academic in nature; however, it will be demonstrating standards and knowledge of the way scientists think and operate as a community.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB) database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Lifelong Personal Growth
“Lifelong personal growth is a broad industry perspective of how an individual’s (not the student) personal experience could be demonstrated through the project,” (ICAU, 2017, pp.20).
This PO is demonstrated through the critique and evaluation of the value of professional development as it applies to the assessment of the system safety and risk decisions involved. This research project will demonstrate how specialists in aviation industries have managed to enrich the literature available through themselves not only for their own enrichment but for the development of the industry’s technology as well.
Exclusive interviews with individuals working within SpaceX could be vital to understanding how working in the field has led to their personal growth.
Since it is impossible to use academic sources, information used will be generated from SpaceX’s database and other media outlets including the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Aviation/Aerospace/Aeronautical Science
“The Aeronautical Science PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific aeronautical scientific evidence (the physics of flight, flight operations, human factors, flight physiology, aircraft simulation, aviation safety and security, air traffic control, UAS, etc.) that is used to support a project,” (ARAU, 2017, pp.22).
This PO will be demonstrated by the artful problem solving skills demonstrated in the paper, as well as the application of aeronautical sciences and associated concepts as it relates to system safety and risk decisions arising in the colonization of Mars.
Once again, the information used to support this discussion will be academic in nature and directly connected to the topic of study.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Aviation Legislation and Law
“the Aviation Legislation and Law PO is the application of critical thinking to the past, present, future local, state, federal and internal laws and regulations used to support a project,” (IRAU, 2017, pp.23).
The PO will be demonstrated by application or incorporation of legal considerations in the final document. The PO will also be demonstrated through the ability to analyze and apply the impact of all laws and regulations regarding system safety and risk decisions that would arise from SpaceX’s endeavor to colonize Mars.
To successfully accomplish the PO objective will include legal information relating to the safety system and risk decision made by SpaceX, as well as the planning and management of hazards to colonize Mars.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Aviation Safety
“The Aviation Safety PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific topics of aviation safety and security that are used to support a project. Aviation Safety includes an analysis and evaluation of any and all safety and security concepts, techniques and procedures as they impact and relate to the project being compiled,” (ARAU, 2017, pp.24).
The PO will be demonstrated through the application of aviation safety and security programs, agencies and concepts as they relate to safety system and risk decision that may be involved.
Successful accomplishment of the PO objective the report will include information relating to aviation safety by assessing safety system and risk decision made by SpaceX, as well as the planning and management of hazards to colonize Mars.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database.
Aviation Management and Operation
“The Aviation Management and Operations PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific topics of management of aviation operations that are used to support a project,” (ERAU, 2017, p. 25).
To demonstrate this PO, the project will apply established aviation management techniques to the personnel and programs associated with all aviation operations in the assessment of system safety and risk decision likely to arise as SpaceX tries to colonize Mars.
To successfully accomplish the PO objective the report will include information relating to the safety system and risk decision made by SpaceX, as well as the planning and management of hazards to colonize Mars.
Information used will be derived from credible sources including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the System, Safety Society databases, the Corrective Action Review Board (CARB database, and the Royal Aeronautical Society database
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. (2017). College of aeronautics: Undergraduate capstone policy guide. Retrieved from: