College Essay Examples

Improving on Employee Performance Appraisal

The employee appraisal amendment letter is usually the final stage in the performance review process. HR now has all of the manager’s suggestions; HR has worked with management upon that revision proportion and has completed everyone’s figures. This information must now be delivered to the individuals. Managers are usually obliged to accept a specific employee performance review protocol, especially in large companies. These managers must understand how they may enhance their employee assessments if they cannot completely change their employee evaluation process.

On the other hand, every manager can transform the system that has been handed to them into a pleasurable, gratifying, and beneficial process for both themselves and the individuals who report to them. Managers may make their performance assessments more communicate effectively, goal-setting, and develop tools for their staff by improving them (Moon, 019). They can make these enhancements while staying within the parameters of their performance appraisal system.

Managers may begin by putting the recommendations in this performance planning and implementation and this ongoing performance process checklist into action. Managers may utilize these tools to produce the statutory performance assessment record and make the performance appraisal process beneficial to both the employee and the business. Managers can check if employees understand their objectives by looking at how they completed the work.

They may ensure that any part of their employer’s procedure that leads to a management rating, ranking, or limiting an employee’s performance is limited. Implementing these five tips can help managers enhance their performance evaluation system right now.

The use of the appraisal document in the form of a discussion starter. Across the year, at least once every quarter and ideally weekly, use the employee appraisal document to analyze employee progress. The performance appraisal paper is a decent place to start a discussion (Belsito & Reutzel, 2019). It compiles all employee performance statistics into one convenient location. The productivity evaluation report maintains records of employee performance dialogues throughout the year.

Provide regular feedback to your employees. Employees must receive feedback in real-time, rather than just at the end of the year at their performance review. Employees (particularly millennials) expect and value regular input, and excellent managers make time for it every day (Ali, Mahmood & Mehreen, 2019). On the plus side, when managers practice delivering feedback more regularly, they get more familiar with it. They increase their feedback abilities and can detect possible performance concerns before they escalate.

HR must exercise extreme caution to ensure that all groups effectively present and receive the message positively. They must carefully compose the letters and distribute them to the staff. This will take some time. However, it is a vital stage in the whole evaluation process. HR must devote the time necessary to complete this duty correctly.

  • Make certain that the message conveyed in the letter is both positive and objective.
  • Clearly state the salary modifications and percentage increases and the final figure.
  • If there is a promotion, provide some little symbolic presents, such as chocolates. It does not have to be pricey to convey a celebratory message.
  • Make certain you have an agreement from the employee, weel-signed at the back of the copy.

Make it a two-way conversation. When the performance question comes up, engage the staff in a two-way conversation. You may enhance performance evaluations by including the employee in the discussion throughout the year (Selvarajan, Singh, & Solansky, 2018). It is not two-way communication if the manager talks more than half the time during the performance evaluation. After all, it is a presentation. Make the bulk of the dialogue enjoyable, encouraging, and educational for the employee.

Set the tone through employee self-evaluations. Improve performance evaluations by conducting an assessment which was before appraisal employee self-appraisal. Many supervisors offer employees a copy of the current manifestation before the quality assessment meeting. Using these sample questions, build an efficient consciousness form (Mani, 2002). As for the worst-case scenario, both management and staff are expected to complete the form ahead of time, assign a grade or score to the employee, and then come to the performance review meeting with their thoughts and points of view already imprinted. Worse, some supervisors instruct staff to fill out their performance reviews, and the boss will sign them if they do a good job.

Employees are trusted when they are given a fair evaluation of their performance. According to a comprehensive performance review, personnel is willing to do the right thing based on whether they know it. Consequently, defining performance objectives is crucial, but just how some goals are developed with the employee is even more important. Goals should be positioned to encourage the employee’s ability to plan and execute the activities necessary to reach the objective. The performance evaluation must promote and increase the individual’s autonomy or capacity to design a path to successful results.


These five suggestions might help you enhance your performance evaluations right away. Employee performance will increase, and the manager will feel that their contribution was valuable in assisting the employee in enhancing their capacity to accomplish and contribute. This appears to be a win-win situation.


Ali, Z., Mahmood, B., & Mehreen, A. (2019). Linking succession planning to employee performance: The mediating roles of career development and performance appraisal. Australian Journal of Career Development28(2), 112-121.

Belsito, C. A., & Reutzel, C. R. (2019). SME employee performance appraisal formalization and trust in leadership change. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Mani, B. G. (2002). Performance appraisal systems, productivity, and motivation: A case study. Public Personnel Management31(2), 141-159.

Moon, K. (2019). Specificity of performance appraisal feedback, trust in manager, and job attitudes: A serial mediation model. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal47(6), 1-12.

Selvarajan, T. T., Singh, B., & Solansky, S. (2018). Performance appraisal fairness, leader-member exchange and motivation to improve performance: A study of US and Mexican employees. Journal of Business Research85, 142-154.

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By Sandra Arlington

Sandra Arlington is a contributing writer to the Motley Fool. Having written for various online magazines, such as Ehow and LiveStrong, she decided to embark on a travel blog for the past 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to My Essay Writer.

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