College Essay Examples


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As companies become more internationally based, there are an increased number of American citizens working in foreign operations in different countries. In terms of civil rights and discriminations policies, as these workers are American citizens, they should be protected under these laws wherever they might be working. The applicable civil rights laws that should be enforced in all foreign operations include the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2013). While general American statutes may not apply to foreign workplaces, civil rights and discrimination related Acts in American law should apply and be enforced for all citizens of the country. . [Need an essay writing service? Find help here.]

Cultural complexities can add layers of challenges to foreign operations in different countries. For a global operation to become truly successful, the firm should think and plan globally, but implement locally (Harps, 2003). In this, the company should implement the foreign operation in the local language and according to local culture. Leadership and staff involved in implementing these foreign operations should take steps to bridge the gap between the cultures, including learning the local language, developing facilitation skills for the culture, and becoming involved with local employees within the community (Sherman & Levine, 2016). In addition to this, staff and leadership should avoid making generalizations about the culture, especially in terms of industrial capacity and modern operations; while the country may appear less developed than the United States, they likely have very modern operations that are just as sophisticated (Sherman & Levine, 2016). .  [“Write my essay for me?” Get help here.]

In expanding a firm’s operations overseas to areas within the Middle East, there are some stark differences in culture that must be respected and followed in order to effectively operate within the area. Within Middle Eastern cultures in particular, business relationships are formed in more competitive means than in the United States, with more emotion used to influence the outcome of the negotiations (Aslani, Brett, Tinsley, & Weingart, 2013). In this, American companies expanding into Middle Eastern regions must approach negotiations cautiously, building mutual trust before moving to the details of the negotiation. In addition to this, leadership meeting local employees and businessmen within the region must be sure to respect their cultural traditions, such as covering your head, lest they risk clashing with the local values (Aslani, Brett, Tinsley, & Weingart, 2013). In building relationships with Middle Eastern countries, American companies must be sure to comply with local traditions to ensure for effective business relationships.

Resolving cultural differences requires sensitivity, awareness, and cultural savvy. Understanding cultural differences can have a large impact when setting up initial meetings with potential business partners (Sherman & Levine, 2016). Within the United States, business relationships are largely built upon profits, however in many cultures within Asia, they are additionally built upon trust. This can affect operations in terms of successful ventures and honoring of contracts (Harps, 2003). If an American business seeks to expand operations to a foreign country where they do not respect and honor legal laws and traditions, they may be less likely to form strong business and consumer relationships within this foreign country, damaging their image and reputation. [Click Essay Writer to order your essay]

American citizens tend to assume that the rest of the world must be very similar to their own country, and that what works in their area will work everywhere. Logistics professionals who do not pay attention to the cultural differences in the area they are operating in have the potential to make significant errors that could create resistance from local businesses (Sherman & Levine, 2016). If firms do not understand cultures, how locals work and approach things, and how to interact with them effectively, they will have a difficult time persuading them and gaining respect from them. In order for American companies to successfully create foreign operations, they must be willing to create culturally diverse operations that are accepting of all cultures, while still preserving their own values.


Aslani, S., Brett, J. M., Tinsley, C. H., & Weingart, L. R. (2013, September 2). Doing Business in the Middle East.

Harps, L. H. (2003, March). Global Logistics: Bridging the Cultural Divide.

Sherman, A. J., & Levine, D. J. (2016). Understanding the Basics of Expanding Your Business Abroad.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2013, April 28). Employee Rights When Working for Multinational Employers.

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By Hanna Robinson

Hanna has won numerous writing awards. She specializes in academic writing, copywriting, business plans and resumes. After graduating from the Comosun College's journalism program, she went on to work at community newspapers throughout Atlantic Canada, before embarking on her freelancing journey.

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